¡Hola! So have you ever wanted to get to the point in a conversation in Spanish where you could awkwardly have nothing to say and talk about the weather? Well, with this video you can finally learn some ways to point out how the weather is! 😉
I forgot to mention in the video… some ways to say: “What’s the weather like?” are “¿Qué tiempo hace?” or “¿Cómo está el tiempo?” or “¿Qué tal el clima afuera?“
¡Ojalá¡ disfrutes de la lección! (let’s hope you enjoy the lesson)
Let me know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions below this video. Más práctica:
está caluroso / hace calor – it’s hot
está frío / hace frío – it’s cold
está fresco / hace fresco – it’s cool (chilly)
está soleado / hace sol – it’s sunny
está nublado – it’s cloudy
está despejado – the sky is clear
llover – to rain llueve – it rains / it’s raining
está lloviendo – it’s raining (right now)
la lluvia – rain
las gotas – (rain)drops
nevar – to snow
nieva – it snows / it’s snowing
está nevando – it’s snowing (right now)
la nieve – snow
hace buen tiempo / está bonito afuera – the weather is nice / it’s nice outside
hace mal tiempo / está feo afuera – The weather is bad / it’s ugly outside
Thank you for your videos! They’re helpful even these many years after you’ve posted them!
13 years ago
Senor Jordan, this is one of the most helpful posts when it comes to communicating through basic Spanish conversation.
We all get those odd awkward moments in our 1st language, so imagine just how much tougher it could be speaking in a new foreign language. Bringing up the weather is perfect for such occasions, as many of us have probably experienced one time or another. Thank you for posting this video and including some of these questions in Spanish along with the Spanish weather vocabulary words.
Makes perfect sense to talk about the weather and something that will really come into good use for those beginner and intermediate Spanish speakers. Once again, great job!
13 years ago
Waiting for a while, keep up the good work. Inspired me to be the best spanish speaker I can be.
13 years ago
Yeah! A new video. Thanks for all of your work – it is greatly appreciated!
Very very helpful.
Thank you for your videos! They’re helpful even these many years after you’ve posted them!
Senor Jordan, this is one of the most helpful posts when it comes to communicating through basic Spanish conversation.
We all get those odd awkward moments in our 1st language, so imagine just how much tougher it could be speaking in a new foreign language. Bringing up the weather is perfect for such occasions, as many of us have probably experienced one time or another. Thank you for posting this video and including some of these questions in Spanish along with the Spanish weather vocabulary words.
Makes perfect sense to talk about the weather and something that will really come into good use for those beginner and intermediate Spanish speakers. Once again, great job!
Waiting for a while, keep up the good work. Inspired me to be the best spanish speaker I can be.
Yeah! A new video. Thanks for all of your work – it is greatly appreciated!