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El Sistema / System

At the request of some of my Spanish II students, I have started making videos (when possible) for them as well. Originally I had only intended doing Spanish 1 videos to make it less confusing for everyone. But, oh well.

To attempt to organize amidst the confusion, I’ve changed the titles of the videos. At the beginning of the titles on this page, there will be either 01 or 02 and a three digit number.01 – means it is a video designed for my Spanish I class. These will progressively get harder.

02 – means it is a video designed for my Spanish II class. These will be more advanced and will be missing videos in between to explain certain things for now.

After that, I will have three digits. These will help to explain which lesson the video is.
001 = Lesson 1, 002 = Lesson 2, etc.

So 01-015 would be Spanish I, lesson 15.

I hope this doesn’t completely ruin the site for anyone using it! 🙂

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions let me know.  Perhaps you have a better idea for an organizational system… ¡Déjame saber! (Let me know)


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13 years ago

Hola Señor Jordan
Amazing help!! I use your videos for studying Spanish and because of your videos i understand grammar very well but still i am not able to speak Spanish can you please guide me what i should do to improve my Spanish speaking skills????

Deborah Wagner
15 years ago

Do you know the question word song? Also very useful! Spanish Teacher
P.S. Would be happy to provide, if you’re interested

15 years ago

I just found your videos the other day and I’m so thankful you are keeping them TV-Y7. How refreshing. The videos are great.

16 years ago

Estoy seguro que tu vas hacer buen con su “research paper”. Toma un pausa por un rato. Estaremos aqui quando tu acabas.

Buena Suerte Amigo y gracias para todos. Apreciamos su compromiso.

John Y Angela

Spanish Videos

Señor Jordan 2024

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