Hola. In this video lesson we’re going to be learning how to compare things that are unequal! To do that, we’ll need más (more), menos (less), que (than) and a whole lot of alligators!
General formulas for comparing in Spanish (click image to see larger version):
descripciones (descriptions):
aburrido(s)/aburrida(s) – bored, boring
alto(s) / alta(s) – tall
bajo(s) / baja(s) – short
bonito(s)/bonita(s) – pretty, beautiful
contento(s)/contenta(s) – happy
delgado(s) / delgada(s) – thin
*deportista(s) – athletic
feo(s) / fea(s) – ugly, unattractive
gordo(s) / gorda(s) – fat
grande(s) – big
gracioso(s)/graciosa(s) – silly, goofy
guapo(s) / guapa(s) – handsome, attractive
inteligente(s) – smart, intelligent
paciente(s) – patient
perezoso(s)/perezosa(s) – lazy
pobre(s) – poor
rico(s)/rica(s) – rich
serio(s)/seria(s) – serious
trabajador(es)/trabajadora(s) – hard-working
triste(s) – sad
sustantivos (nouns):
el gato – the cat
la casa – the house
la clase – class
la novia – the girlfriend
la historia – the history
la playa – the beach
las chicas – girls
los amigos – the friends
los elefantes – elephants
los ratones – mice
nosotros = we, us
otro (other):
de – of, from
nuestro(s)/nuestra(s) – our
¿qué? – what?
su(s) – his, her, your (formal), their, your (plural)
*while deportista is often used as a noun, it can be used as an adjective to describe people who are athletic / sporty
This video is very helpful and I especially like all of the practice; however, it was impossible to read the responses/answers because the name of the video, 01 Spanish Lesson Unequal Comparisons, superimposed over the responses.
Ed D,
Thanks for watching. I don’t think we’re going to cover any new ground in the argument of “better than (direct object: me, you, him, her, us, them)” or “better than (subject pronoun: I , you, he, she, we, they)”.
I would like to point out that use whichever one you would like.
In my understanding, “than” in this instance is a preposition and not a conjunction. Thus I am not creating an entirely different clause and use: me, you, he, she, we, they.
If I add the verb after than, then it would function as a conjunction and I would need to use the subject pronouns.
While you might still disagree with me, I appreciate your getting me to think on the matter further. 🙂
Hannah S
9 years ago
Hello! I appreciate your videos. Could you please upload some more of them to teachertube? Youtube is blocked at my school and I am unable to use your wonderful resources for my students. Thanks so much!
Roberto Magras
9 years ago
Me enchante tu escribires, tu es mas embarasado de lovie tu agosto muchio!
Sra. O
11 years ago
¡Hola Sr. Jordan! MuchÃsimas gracias por tus videos… me encantan! It would be awesome if you could make a video with words and phrases that go with ordering in a restaurant. And one about idioms… “sopa de tu propio chocolate”…”echar la casa por la ventana” …your work is amazing, gracias! Sra. O
12 years ago
Good work as always, and very timely, as I am now in SPA 102 and comparatives are the current assignment.
This video is very helpful and I especially like all of the practice; however, it was impossible to read the responses/answers because the name of the video, 01 Spanish Lesson Unequal Comparisons, superimposed over the responses.
Señor Jordan, ¡me gustan tus videos! Soy un estudiante de Señora Miller, y cuando no sé el contenido, veo un video. Me ayuden en la clase de Español III mucho. ¡Muchas gracias!
Love your videos! Hope you’ll compile them or write a text. I noticed a frequently made error – in English, no less.
“They are more intelligent than us.” I think it should be “They are more intelligent than we (are).”
Ed D,
Thanks for watching. I don’t think we’re going to cover any new ground in the argument of “better than (direct object: me, you, him, her, us, them)” or “better than (subject pronoun: I , you, he, she, we, they)”.
I would like to point out that use whichever one you would like.
In my understanding, “than” in this instance is a preposition and not a conjunction. Thus I am not creating an entirely different clause and use: me, you, he, she, we, they.
If I add the verb after than, then it would function as a conjunction and I would need to use the subject pronouns.
While you might still disagree with me, I appreciate your getting me to think on the matter further. 🙂
Hello! I appreciate your videos. Could you please upload some more of them to teachertube? Youtube is blocked at my school and I am unable to use your wonderful resources for my students. Thanks so much!
Me enchante tu escribires, tu es mas embarasado de lovie tu agosto muchio!
¡Hola Sr. Jordan! MuchÃsimas gracias por tus videos… me encantan! It would be awesome if you could make a video with words and phrases that go with ordering in a restaurant. And one about idioms… “sopa de tu propio chocolate”…”echar la casa por la ventana” …your work is amazing, gracias! Sra. O
Good work as always, and very timely, as I am now in SPA 102 and comparatives are the current assignment.
God Bless!