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01-031 – Estar + emotions

¡Hola! In this lesson, we’ll cover the present tense of the irregular verb, Estar (to be). We use this verb for feelings/emotions, locations and for the -ING (progressive) tenses.

In this video we’ll learn how to talk about our emotions and tell where we are located.


Let me know if you have any questions/comments/suggestions.

Conjugation chart:

present tense estar copy

estar– to be
(yo) estoy – I am
(tú) estás – you are
Él está¡ – he is
Ella está¡ – she is
Usted está¡ – You are (formal)
Nosotros estamos – We are
Nosotras estamos – We (females) are
ellos están – They are
ellas están – They (females) are
ustedes están – You all are

¿Cómo estás? – How are you?
bien – good/fine.
mal – bad/poor
así­-así­ – so-so*
cansado – tired
enfermo – sick
triste – sad
feliz – happy
ocupado – busy
preocupado – worried/preoccupied
emocionado – excited
aburrido – bored

¿Dónde estás? – Where are you?
la clase – class
la escuela – school
el museo – museum
el restaurante – restaurant
el centro comercial – mall
la iglesia – church
la piscina – pool
el parque – park

*please note that así-así­ is more commonly said más o menos

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3 years ago


Kyler Lessing
10 years ago

hello senor jordan,

i have just finished watching one of your tutorials on how to conjugate estar, and i found it quite entertaining. But if there was one thing i could help you out on, it would be to brush up on your green screen skills. Muchas gracias otra ves! Yo estoy feliz mirando tu video!



mike beale
10 years ago

Dear Senor Jordan
I am taking 20 boys from my school (Bedford School, England) on a scuba reef diving survey with Operation Wallacea to the Isle of Youth, Cuba, leaving this Thursday at 5am. Never having studied Spanish, your website has proved perfect and I have chatted with you every morning for the past three months. Consequently, I am much indebted to you; should you ever think a trip to England a good idea, please come and visit and we will look after you well. Bedford is only 35 minutes from London by express train and 40 minutes from Cambridge University (you can even get to Paris, door-to-door, in four hours via Eurostar from here).
Many thanks
Mike Beale
Head of Science

Arya Keyvan
11 years ago

Great videos!

12 years ago

I’m going on a short term missions trip, which videos would be most applicable? Thanks for making these available to the public!

13 years ago

Thanks it is the best spanish resource ever:)

13 years ago

Is there a video or are you planning on making a video for the verb SER and when to use it in a sentence? You have one on ESTAR (+ emotions) but I think one for SER is also needed.


13 years ago

Mister Jordan can i ask a quation…in all videos i see the eg: the verb ir plus adonde,
yo voy,tu vas ect…but on plural i dont see the pronoun vosotros in no one video of oyurs…but i need..can pls show me just one examples..plsss

Sra. Duff
14 years ago

Sr. Jordan,

Would you consider adding a video/ videos about Ser and Estar, How to Conjugate them, and When to Use them?

Love all your videos! I look forward to each week’s new one!

Benjamin Joseph
14 years ago

I think I got it, I’m confusing “yo” with “tu.”

Benjamin Joseph
14 years ago

How do I know when you are talking to me in Spanish. When you are asking me a question?

14 years ago

Dear Sr. Jordan,
Muchos, muchos gracias for creating and making available all your videos, which are such wonderful gifts to any student trying to learn Spanish. I’m retired and taking lessons in adult ed classes. Of all the websites our teacher lists for us, your videos are far and away the clearest, most understandable, and most helpful. And you have something extra that makes your videos particularly well received: a very appealing personality!
Con Gratitud,

14 years ago

I think I actually love you. Best resource I have found on the internet so far. Thanks.

14 years ago

Just wanted to let you know that this video won’t play on youtube or on this site. It says that some kind of error occurred.

14 years ago

Hi Senor, great videos. I really benefited from them. I was wondering if you could do a video on the conjugation of ser and the differences between ser and estar? That would be absolutely fantastic. Muchas gracias!

15 years ago

Hey Senor, your videos are awesome. I am so glad I didnt pay $400 for Rosetta Stone and I found these instead. It is appreciated that you make these videos free to the public. I have become much better at Spanish and can now begin to speak with my Mexican and Colombian friends in their language!! Thanks again man!!!

Zach Cullins
15 years ago

Hola Senor Jordan! I love your videos! I am currently in Spanish 3-4 (Second Year) at my High School. I miss a lot of school and so my Spanish teacher said to go to Youtube and look up videos. I found these and I’m loving them!

Michael Zebold
15 years ago

Loving the videos… found your site from youtube!

15 years ago

Gracias Sr. Jordan! Very well done and easy to follow.

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