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01 Presente Progresivo / Present Progressive

Hola. In this video lesson, I decided to tackle the present progressive in Spanish. The present progressive is basically telling that something is happening right now. We’ll use a form of estar and then the verbs slightly changed afterwards. Watch the video for more information!

Let me know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions below.

I hope this video is helpful!




sustantivos (nouns)

  • el ajedrez – chess
  • el correo electrónico – email
  • el golf – golf
  • el libro – book
  • el sillón – arm chair
  • el vóleibol – volleyball
  • la tarea – homework
  • la televisión – tv
  • las chicas – girls
  • los señores – gentlemen, men
  • los hermanos – brothers; brothers and sisters
  • un pájaro – bird

verbos (verbs)

  • ayudar en casa – to help around the house
  • bailar – to dance
  • barrer el piso – to sweep the floor
  • cantar – to sing
  • comer – to eat
  • cortar el pasto – to cut the grass
  • dormir – to sleep
  • hablar por teléfono – to talk on the phone
  • hacer – to do, to make
  • jugar – to play
  • lavar el carro – to wash the car
  • lavar la ropa – to wash the clothes
  • lavar los trastes – to wash the dishes
  • leer – to read
  • limpiar el baño – to clean the bathroom
  • limpiar la mesa – to clean the table
  • mirar – to watch
  • nadar – to swim
  • ordenar el cuarto – to clean the room
  • pasar la aspiradora – to vacuum
  • poner la mesa – to set the table
  • sacar la basura – to take out the trash
  • sacudir los muebles – to dust the furniture
  • tender la cama – to make the bed
  • tocar la guitarra – to play [instrument]

otro (other)

  • con – with
  • en -in, on
  • mi(s) – my

Related videos:

  1. Present Tense – Estar + emotions
  2. Vocabulario – Los quehaceres (chores)
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6 years ago

Responding to the original poster Laura’s question and Sr. Jordan’s answer; This answer is helpful, however, I wanted to ask if you could expound on the (in Spanish we just can). I find it easier to add commas in my “thinking” when I read some things in spanish that are of a different order than English. When you use the present participle (La) at the beginning of a sentence ex: la=it=bed
Original sentence: “La está tendiendo.” -> I am making it [the bed] (right now).
I like to read it as it is written but add (commas) to how I say it in order to understand. I do not write them as it would be improper grammar. An example is:
La está tendiendo…..(It, I am making right now). When adding it to the end it makes more sense to me, but I am not sure if there are rules as to when we can do this.
Está teniendo(la)- I am making(it). Here the Spanish is in the same order as how it is read in English. Hope that helps clarify. Please let me know if I just made it more confusing.

Erin Flemington
6 years ago

I absolutely NEED your videos in my life lol. In all seriousness, I appreciate each and every one of these. You’re extremely detail oriented and thorough. You’re not only a great teacher but nice to watch and love the humor when you throw it in. I have a monthly donation that I started last month but am going to increase the amount because no teacher is this damn thorough. Again, you’re very much appreciated. Please continue doing these.

Wendy Stuck
7 years ago

Muchas gracias. Mis estudiantes van a usar Google Chrome books mañana, y tendran la oportunidad de escoger a ver sus videos como parte de sus estudiantes independientes.

yasmin ortiz
9 years ago

Jordan necesito saber si tienes un video del pasado participio con adjetivos.
Por favor….soy maestra de H.S. me encantan tus videos y los utilizo con mis estudiantes.
Muchas gracias

11 years ago

Indeed. Please remember that languages are not mirror images of one another, sometimes we do not need to translate every word. Buena suerte.

11 years ago

¡Hola, Señor Jordan!

You made a great video again! After watching it, I have a question.
In this video lesson, there is an example Q&A as follows.

Q: ¿Las chicas están poniendo la mesa?

A: Alicia sí está poniéndola, pero Dolores está hablando por teléfono.

What does “sí” mean here, “really”, “indeed”, “herself”, “yes”, or else? Why do you add the word “sí” here? To emphasize Alicia’s action?

Por favor!

Adalia del Fuego
11 years ago

Me gusta tu camisa. =)

luke vizzoni
11 years ago

I like your shirt’

Vishesh Chugh
12 years ago

Hola sr.jordan

Your videos are amazing but please upload a few videos of future tense as i have my examinations in july. Please respond to my mails.

12 years ago

Senor Jordan,
I just wanted to thank you for putting those little captions in English under whatever you say. It helps me understand what you are saying. Thank you for these great videos!

13 years ago

Hola!! I am a junior in high school this year going into spanish 2. i jsut finished spanish 1 and i was not too good at it. i start school on wednesday and would just like to refresh my mind of everything and be good to go in my spanish 2 class. do you have any tips or specific videos i can watch so that i can do so? and do you know anything that i need to nkow for it? thanks

13 years ago

Hi Senor Jordan,
Awesome video! I was working on the Present progressive during the final weeks of school and some students had a bit of a hard time understanding. I remembered your site and let the students check it out. They came back the next day and finally figured it out! I really enjoy your videos and my kids love watching them, they always get siked up when I tell them “Senor Jordan segment coming up”. I’m sure you could probably publish these and make tons of money since they are so easy to understand and so helpful but I really do hope you keep these free for us teachers who have no budget and no money from our districts to spend on extra supplies. YOU ROCK!

13 years ago

hola sr. jordan. you r really a fabulous person n quite friendly too. i hve completed my basic level n movin fwd to another level . how should i go bout it and how many verbs should i learn coz i really wanna master dis language. Por favor.

Ana Sahagún
13 years ago

¡Señor Jordan! Se te olvidó el acento en la palabra teléfono en la explicación. ¿Qué te pasó? Te ves muy triste y estas hablando muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuy despacio. ¡Por favor!

Saludos de parte de la clase

(Bailey, Jessie, Marshall, Taylor, Katie, Sr. Tucker, Eric, Tal, Gianna, Steven, Eric López, Summer, Itcel, Justin y Michael) 🙁

13 years ago

i understand the ando/iendo, however i do not understand the andolo or iendola. could you please clarify?

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