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02 – Reflexive Verbs (part 2) Stem-changers

This video is a continuation of part 1 on reflexive verbs. In this video, we also go over four new verbs that are reflexives dealing with the daily routine, but are also stem-changers (or ‘shoe verbs’). The rule of stem-changers is reviewed in this video.

Hope it’s helpful! Feel free to leave questions, comments, or suggestions! 🙂

useful verbs:

(Yo) me cepillo los dientes. – I brush my teeth.
¿Te levantas temprano? – Do you get up early?

acostarse (o-ue) – to go to bed, to put oneself to bed
bañarse – to bathe onself, take a bath
cepillarse – to brush oneself
despertarse (e-ie) – to wake oneself up
dormirse (o-ue) – to fall asleep
lavarse – to wash oneself
levantarse – to get/lift oneself up,
secarse – to dry oneself
vestirse (e-i) – to dress oneself

¿A qué hora ____? – (At) What time?
a la medianoche – at midnight
a las doce – at twelve o’clock
de la manana – in the morning

*Author’s note* to say midnight with ‘a las doce‘ it might be more common to hear ‘a las doce de la noche‘ (at twelve o’clock at night)

Related video(s):

  1. Reflexive verbs (part 1)
  2. Reflexive verbs (part 3) Multiple verbs + ing
  3. Antes de / Después de + verb (part 2) w/ reflexives
  4. Reflexive verb song!
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9 years ago

Me encantan tus videos!!! Gracias por lo que haces!! Son de gran ayuda!

10 years ago

I love, love, love your videos!!!

13 years ago

i know this has nothing to the video, i am sorry but you know this thing here


What is the one for vosotros and vosotras?

14 years ago

Could you say “Yo capillo mis dientes” instead of “Yo me capillo los dientes”

Andy Stewart
14 years ago

Your vids are super cool…I will praise you up more on this at a later date,
however, I can’t stop laughing at your obvious reference to ‘Mr Mackey’ from Southpark… …Mmkaaay.. This is way funny and cool that you are including this in your presentations …’Mmkaaay..

Check out the link below..

Andy (UK-Living in Spain)


Jonathon Rank
15 years ago

My wife doesnt speak english and I dont speak Spanish. This could be the help that saves our family. Gracias

15 years ago

Amazing help!! I’m studying at the University of Toronto and I use your videos for studying. I’m not a textbook learner and I learn much better with your visuals.Thanks so much!!

Señor Jordan
16 years ago

Ay ay ay…. Gracias. For ‘We go to sleep’, it should be ‘nosotros nos dormimos’. You’re correct.

I think I did that because in either language, I don’t always distinguish between ‘falling asleep’ and ‘going to bed’ since when I go to bed, I fall asleep even though they are two distinct things!

-Sr J.

16 years ago

Senor Jordan:

You translated “We fall asleep” into “Nosotros nos acostamos” in the exercise of this lesson. does “acostarse” mean “mormirse”, too?


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