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02 Se permite & Se prohí­be

Hola. In this lesson, we’ll be talking about the impersonal se using the phrases se permite (it is permitted) and se prohíbe (it is prohibited).

It’s pretty simple, and there are some practice videos as well.


Practice 1:

Practice 2:

Let me know if you have any questions or comments below!

Helpful graphic (click to enlarge):


verbos (verbs):

  • bailar – to dance
  • cantar – to sing
    • cantan – they sing
  • conducir – to drive
  • comer – to eat
  • correr – to run
  • dormir – to sleep
  • esquiar – to ski
  • fumar – to smoke
  • hablar por teléfono – to talk on the phone
  • hacer ruido – to make noise
  • jugar – to play [games; sports]
  • leer – to read
  • llegar – to arrive
  • pescar – to fish

sustantivos (nouns):

  • ajedrez – chess
  • aquí­ – here
  • básquetbol – basketball
  • béisbol – baseball
  • el centro comercial – the mall
  • el restaurante – the restaurant
  • el trabajo – work
  • el video – the video
  • la calle – the street
  • la clase – the class
  • la piscina – the bed
  • las bicicletas – bicycle
  • las cámaras – cameras
  • las manzanas – apples
  • las uvas – grapes
  • las vacas – cows
  • los animales – animals
  • los cerdos – pigs
  • los cines – the movie theaters
  • los coches – cars
  • los comentarios – the comments
  • los elefantes – elephants
  • los gatos – cats
  • los pájaros – birds
  • los pingüinos – penguins
  • los plátanos – bananas
  • los pollos – chickens
  • los zapatos – shoes
  • tenis – tennis
  • voleibol – volleyball

otro (other):

  • amarillo – yellow
  • aquel – that (far away)
  • blanco – white
  • cerca de – close, near
  • debajo de – under
  • dentro de – inside
  • en – in, on
  • este – this
  • gris – gray
  • lindo – nice
  • marrón – brown
  • morado – purple
  • mucho – a lot
  • negro – black
  • por la noche – at night
  • que – that
  • rojo – red
  • rosado – pink
  • tarde – late
  • verde – green

Related videos:

  1. Impersonal Se / Passive Se
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Jim Whitesell
8 years ago

All these years, and I am just now finding this out! Thank you for schooling me and updating my understanding of how this language works, Sr. Jordan! Keep up the great work! Seems like some textbooks out there need some updating as well!

Jim Whitesell
8 years ago

Thank you for another great explanation, Senor Jordan! I will be using this video in my Spanish 2 classes today. Prohibe/prohiben does not take an accent mark, though. Just thought I’d throw that out there! Also, in the “no service animals” sign at the beginning of the video, they spelled servicio wrong. I notice that lots of signs, labels and other written Spanish out in the community have errors. I am constantly on the lookout for them! Thanks, again!!

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