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03 Conditional Mood

Hola. In this video lesson, we’ll be tackling one of my favorites: the conditional. The conditional is generally used to mean “would”. While some refer to it as a tense, it is really a mood. It is often used when talking about abstract concepts, unlikely things, or the impossible. It’s formed in a similar way as the future tense. In this video we’ll be going over the regular verbs as well as the irregular verbs in this tense.


Please leave any comments, questions or your own answer to the last question below! 🙂

Más ayuda: (click pictures for larger graphics)
Regular verbs:

conditional dormir1

Irregular verbs:

conditional irregulars


sustantivos (nouns):

  • dólares – dollars
  • Egipto – Egypt
  • el centro comercial – the mall
  • el fútbol – soccer
  • el lago – the lake
  • el parque – park
  • el pollo – chicken
  • esto – this
  • ganas – desire
  • la carne – meat
  • la casa – house
  • la libertad – freedom
  • la oficina – office
  • la situación – the situation
  • la tortuga – turtle
  • las armas – weapons
  • las cortinas – curtains
  • las ideas – the ideas
  • las personas – people
  • las pirámides – the pyramids
  • las provisiones – provisions
  • las ruinas – ruins
  • las telas – fabrics
  • las ventanas – windows
  • los amigos – friends
  • los enfermos – the sick (people)
  • los familiares – family members
  • los sesos – brains
  • los zombis – zombies
  • nada – nothing
  • tiempo – time
  • todo – everything
  • todos – everyone (person)
  • una ciudad – a city
  • una cuestión – a matter
  • una enfermedad – a sickness
  • una fiebre – a fever
  • una fiesta – a party
  • una foto – a picture
  • una guerra mundial – a world war
  • una semana -a week
  • un inventario – an inventory
  • un libro – a book
  • un lugar – a place
  • un millón -a million
  • un OVNI – a UFO
  • un pueblo – a town
  • un refugio  – a shelter

otro (other):

  • a – to
  • ahora – now
  • bueno – good
  • cada – each
  • como – as; like
  • con – with
  • ¿cuáles? – which?
  • de – of
  • demás – rest; other
  • desafortunadamente – unfortunately
  • de todos modos – anyways
  • en – in, on, at
  • enfrente de – in front of
  • eventualmente – eventually
  • fortificado – fortified
  • grueso – thick
  • inteligente – smart
  • invisible – invisible
  • malo – bad
  • más – more
  • mejor – better
  • muchos – many (people)
  • normal – normal
  • o – or
  • otro – other
  • para – for
  • pero – but
  • por fin – finally
  • porque – because
  • posiblemente – possibly
  • que – that
  • ¿qué? – what?
  • solo – only
  • si – if
  • siguiente – following
  • su(s)– his / her / your (formal) / their / your (plural)
  • subterráneo – under ground
  • tu(s) – your
  • también – also, too

verbos (verbs):

  • buscar – to look for; to search
    • buscará – I would look for
  • cansarse – to get tired
    • se cansan – they get tired
  • cazar – to hunt
  • comer – to eat
  • comprar – to buy
  • convencer – to convince
  • convertirse en – to turn into
    • se convirtieron – they turned into
  • dar – to give
  • decidir – to decide
    • decide – (command) decide!
  • decir – to say
    • digamos – let’s say
  • empezar – to begin
    • empezó – it began
  • encontrar – to find
    • van a encontrar – they are going to find
  • enojarse – to get angry
  • entender – to understand
  • estar – to be
    • estuviéramos – we were / we were to be
  • haber – to be
    • hubiera – there was / there were to be
  • hablar – to talk
    • hablará – s/he would talk
  • hacer – to do; to make
    • haría – s/he would do; make
    • haríamos – we would do; make
    • harían – they would do; make
  • invitar – to invite
    • invitaría – s/he would invite
  • ir – to go
    • irían – they would go
  • irse – to leave
  • jugar – to play
    • jugarán – they would play
  • leer – to read
    • lee – (command) read!
    • leyeran – you all read / you all were to read
  • levantarse – to get (oneself) up
  • llegar – to arrive
    • llegó – it arrived
  • llevar – to take; carry
    • llevarás – you would take
  • llorar – to cry
  • matar – to kill
  • morir – to die
  • oler – to smell
  • pasar la aspiradora – to vacuum
    • pasarás la aspiradora – you would vacuum
  • pensar – to think
  • poder – to be able
    • podría – I could / I were to be able
  • poner – to put
  • pondría – s/he would put
  • querer – to want
    • quieren – they want
  • reírse – to laugh
  • robar – to steal; rob
    • robarán – they would rob; they would steal
  • saber – to know
    • sabemos – we know
  • salir – to leave
  • ser – to be
    • es – s/he / it is
    • sería – it would be
    • fuera – s/he / it were [to be]
    • fueras – you were / you were to be
  • tener – to have
  • tuviéramos – we had; we were to have
  • trabajar – to work
    • estuviera trabajando – s/he were working / s/he were to be working
    • trabajarían – they would work
  • tratar de – to try [to do something]
    • trataría de – s/he would try [to do something]
  • usar – to use
    • usaría – s/he would use
  • venir – to come
    • vendrán – they will come
  • ver – to see
    • viera – s/he saw / s/he were to see
  • viajar – to travel
  • visitar – to visit
  • vivir – to live
  • volar – to fly

Related videos:

  1. Future (part 1)
  2. Future (part 2): irregulars
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3 years ago

Really love your videos!! Would definitely want to see more LOL !!

eggbert jones
5 years ago

very neat

5 years ago

wow i love your vids 🙂 please do more !!!!!

9 years ago

bueno.como se puede mejorar escuchar?

Dalton Steinert
10 years ago

Si yo tuviera un millon dolores, yo encontraria Atlantis.

brian phan
11 years ago

Really like what you are doing, great source to learn quickly and review.

Enrique Oramas
11 years ago

«Es bueno tener un lugar que puedAs defender con entradas y salidas»What exactly are you trying to say there?

Enrique Oramas
11 years ago

It should be «los enfermos quieren comerSE a las personas» y «no se cansan de comérSElas».

11 years ago

Keep them coming Senor Jordan. As a new student of Spanish I love looking learning from your material!

11 years ago

I really love the lesson, though. Learned a lot.
Best wishes


Señor Jordan
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