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02 Ser vs Estar – Using both with a change in meaning

Hola. In this video, we’ll be talking about additional uses of the verbs ser (to be) and estar (to be).

Leave any questions or comments below!

Verb charts:

01 present tense - ser
01 present tense - estar

General rules:

Ser vs Estar (both)

Related videos:

  1. Ser vs. estar – Using estar
  2. Ser vs. estar – Estar practice
  3. Ser vs. estar – More estar practice
  4. Ser vs. estar – Using ser
  5. Ser vs. estar – Ser practice
  6. Ser vs. estar – More ser practice
  7. Ser vs estar – Test #1
  8. Ser vs estar – Test #2
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1 year ago

very nice sharing thanks

2 years ago

You are an Inspiration Senor Jordan. I really get inspired from the way that you manage your website.

Sabrina D
3 years ago

Hola Senor Jordan, I want to thank you for the amazing resources that you have provided. I’ve been using them since I was a student myself and I can’t thank you enough for all your amazing videos and resources.

Jordon Chopra
9 years ago

Hamburguesas, bombas, soy de india, esta es espanol en la cuarta hora.

Ella Beidle
9 years ago

This is really confusing and we have seen this before

Ella Beidle
9 years ago

This is really confusing and we have seen this before

9 years ago


9 years ago


daniel hasenecz
9 years ago

the only reason I passed my test is because of your ser and estar videos thank you

10 years ago

you are very helpful homework Q+a please keep doing the video .

10 years ago

¡¡¡¡¡Great content Señor!!!!!

maria kee
10 years ago

HI Senor Jordan,
thank you so much for all the material that you provide so generously online. Your passion for the language and for teaching is obvious! Is there any chance that you could produce a video about differentiating between the use of ser and estar in the past tense.
I thought I understood when to use ser and estar until I tried to do it in the past tense then I became very confused.
Many thanks again,

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