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How to download my videos

Hello everyone. So I understand that some of you are learners who would like to download these lessons to your ipod or you’re teachers who would like to download them to show them in your classes.

On this post, I’ll give you an idea on how to go about doing that.

Disclaimer: Please understand that I give you permission to download my videos provided you are not financially profiting off of them. Downloading other videos from Youtube could get you in trouble legally. So please use the program with caution.

Step 1:Download Youtube Downloader

So I really like Youtube Downloader. It’s spyware and malware free and you can download it off of CNET. You can also search on Google “Download Youtube Videos” but who knows what you’ll come up with.

(When installing, I always make sure to unclick on everything it tells me to install because those programs are not needed for the program to work. )

Step 2: Find Youtube Video

So with the Youtube Downloader program open, find a youtube video that you want to download.
(Click on picture to see more clearly)

Step 3: Copy video address into Youtube Downloader

Go to the video you want.  Then look at the top to the url of the video and simply copy all of the text and paste it into the Youtube downloader program. You might notice that once you copy it, it will automatically paste the url into the program for you.

Step 4: Download video

Make sure you check how good the quality is if you want the best available or lower. Then click on the download button.

Step 5: Save video to somewhere you can find it

It should type the title of the video automatically into your file-save window. Then just save it.

Step 6: Your movie file

For Ipod:
Once downloaded, your movie file will be able to be dragged onto your Ipod.

For teachers:

If you’re a teacher wanting to show it in your school, you can now transfer the file to a USB drive and take it to school.

  • Option 1: Show in Quicktime
    The file is in MPEG-4 format. The program that can usually open that without any problems is Quicktime. So you will need Quicktime installed on your computer at school.
  • Option 2: Convert files
    You could also convert the file to a different file type that your computer at school could play. I would try either WMV or AVI.
  • Option3: Download VideoLan
    There is a really good program that can show all sorts of file types without any problem that is FREE! It’s called VideoLan. You could download the install file and put it on your USB drive and take it to school or have your tech guy install it on your computer for you.

Hope this was helpful! Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions!

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Sra Neifer
7 years ago

Your videos are a lifesaver when I’m planning for a substitute teacher. We have no Spanish-speaking subs on our list and using your videos has kept my students learning even when I can’t be in class. Thank you so much for the fun and educational resource.

Glynna Lewis
8 years ago

I love your videos. I can’t believe all of the hard work you have put into these videos and the generosity to share them with us. (I am a teacher and recommend them all of the time to my students.)

I just saw how I can also download these videos. That is great! Thank you for the permission to do so.

I have just started teaching some 4th graders and wanted them to have some “lab” work. As I was looking over your very organized list of videos available (of which I’m very grateful, I did notice a very lewd ad. (Hot Latin Beauties).

So, I am glad that now I can download the videos, I do not have to direct the young students to your website. (I’m assuming you have to pay for your space somehow, and/or perhaps you can’t control the ads they use,)

Gracias, Sr. Jordan
Sra. Lewis

Sra. Reyes
10 years ago

Señor Jordan, soy madre hispano hablante y además enseño español. Su excelente trabajo me motiva a seguir enseñando mi lengua materna. Mil gracias, su método es muy bueno, paso a paso introduce los temas muy bien. Me llena de orgullo que una persona como usted nos llene de tanto material para enseñar tan bella lengua. Gracias de nuevo!

10 years ago

Hello Senor Jordan,
My son is homeschooled watches your videos each day. They have been just what he needed to learn Spanish. My question of you is if you offer any kind of worksheets, quizzes or tests that we could use along with your videos. This would be such a help because he could then actually watch your videos and take quizzes and tests and be able to have a grade in Spanish for his transcript. I just thought I’d ask. I assume you teach jr. high spanish at a public school and give tests and quizzes there as well? Would you consider posting tests and quizzes on your site?

Christy Voelkel
11 years ago

You are wonderful. I love your tone, clarity and grace. I can only enthusiastically agree with the other positive comments posted here. Thank you, thank you.

J. Mitchell
11 years ago

I was struggling with the downloading process a little until I found this post. Very clear and easy to follow instructions – and thanks again for making these videos available to everyone. They are far superior to many of the other Spanish learning videos I have found!


11 years ago

Wow! Thank you so much for posting this helpful information. You’ve made life easier for me.

P.S. I love your tutorial videos!

Jillane Baros
11 years ago

Hello! I just wanted to let you know there’s a simpler way to download videos and it doesn’t require any extra software. I discovered it because I needed something that works on Macs as well as PC’s. It’s keepvid.com – you can download any youtube video or even just the audio. Thought I’d share 🙂

David Greene
12 years ago

Mr. Jordan,

I am 70 years old and want to learn Spanish before I die. If anyone can teach me, it will be you. You are the teacher that makes it fun to learn and easy to understand. You make Spanish intuitive and logical. I find you facinating and enjoyable. Your warm personality and caring for others shine out through your lessons and the selflessly giving of your talent. Thank you…… David.

Raheem Reid
12 years ago

Thank you SOOOOOO much for the video’s. I have paid for many spanish courses. NONE and I mean NONE can put a candle to you.

One question. Do you have the lessons in print form. That is, can I go along with the video in print form.

No rush on the answer.

Again, thank you so much.

12 years ago

Hello, WOW! I love your Cuentas conmigo series!! I downloaded both seasons and I am thinking about showing them one by one to my students and having them “participate” by voting using a survey option that I am creating in my website. Of course, I am giving you credit for creating these marvels. I will send you the links once I launch the site. I hope that you are going to the National TPRS conference this summer so we can meet!!

12 years ago

¡Gracias mucho!

Martha Miller
12 years ago

Your videos are great tools to reinforce learning for my 5th and 6th grade Spanish students. I’m trying to use the YouTube Downloader that you recommended, but each time I copy and paste a URL for one of your videos into the downloader & hit download, it tells me that the URL is not valid. Any ideas what the problem could be? (I tried downloading several different videos.) Thanks!

Jann Emmert
12 years ago

I love your videos and as a second year Spanish teacher it is a life saver. My students really enjoy them also. Is there a way I can print a list of your video titles? Thanks so much for sharing your talent and knowledge with all of us….

Señora Nelson
12 years ago

Eres impresionante!!!!
Muchas Gracias por todos tus videos. He usado dos otres y creeme me encantan.
Gracias por todo el esfuerzo que pones en tu enseñanza!
¡Te felicito!

12 years ago

I just started learning spannish and find your videos very useful.

12 years ago

I’m starting learning Spanish and I think your video is the easiest to understand for beginner. Thank u so much for hard work 🙂

12 years ago

I just wanted to thank you for all the time and effort you have put into these videos. I am trying to learn Spanish for the 3rd time. I took 2 years in highschool, but I barely survived (somehow conjucation was NEVER my strong suit) and now, 20 years later, I’m in college. I KNEW I wanted to take espanol and not French (the other language choice I had in our Furman Undergraduate Evening Studies program at Furman University). Spanish is much more useful living here in the south than French will ever be to me.

Profesora McGoldrick recommended your vidoes, and I am HOOKED. I love love love love them. I can just start at lesson 1 on my phone and go as far as I want, and then start over again! It’s like having a personal Spanish tutor in my ears while I work, sleep, whatever! THANK YOU for caring enough about students to make these vidoes available for free. I’m actually confident that THIS time I will LEARN Spanish and will at least be able to hold a basic conversation with someone who is a native speaker.

Hasta Luego!

12 years ago

Senor Jordan, I am doing missionary work in Fiji Islands. Two young people here are very interested in learning another language (already speak English and Fijian). The work we do here is with victims of violence and exploitation. The only fellow worker here with the capability to burn a disc of your videos is a Mac user. Can you help us out? Can I order your videos on DVD? Would love to help these young people with this. So excited that they want to learn.

Karen McElroy
12 years ago

WOW! You win the award of best teacher of the millennium, in my opinion! I’m floored at the awesomeness of your videos. I’ve been working at spanish on and off for about a year now. It’s fun learning, but I have a LONG way to go! 🙂 Anyway, your videos are just as good or better than the Visual Link Spanish DVDs and CDs that I’ve paid a lot of money for! You could absolutely sell your work, if you wanted to. You could compile your work into sets of material that would be covered in about a year’s worth of classes at school, make copies on discs, and sell it from your website or Amazon.com. There’s lots of ways you could make this into a business or career. My husband works at KHOU TV in Houston, as a (computer animations) graphics design artist. And he’s learning spanish, too. Anyway, it would be really easy for you to get on the Great Day Houston TV show, without paying for airtime, while you are giving your work away, free to the public. You should take advantage of this opportunity for free advertisement of your work. Then, add some DVD’s to sell on your website, and start making money. Seriously: I just discovered your videos tonight and couldn’t make myself go to sleep because I was having so much fun, then found your website, and just had to tell you how impressed i am! You are a GREAT teacher! You videos are extremely well done! I really think you deserve some financial security for all your hard work. People will pay for this great stuff you’re doing! Write me back if you want help to start a company or in some other way get your stuff published, or if you want to learn more about the Great Day Houston show. In the meantime, a zillion kisses and best wishes to you!

13 years ago

Have you tried realplayer? it can download, play and convert almost any videos you can check it out here http://www.real.com/ and don’t worry it’s virus and malware free

13 years ago

Señor Jordan,

Mil gracias por el tiempo que tomas creando, desarrollando, mostrando tus videos en YouTube. ¡Eres un gran maestro!

Señor Allen

13 years ago

Hola profesor,
Your vidoes are fantasticos. The are so well done. i have been teaching spanish for 10 years and these seem to be the best I have seen. Thanks for the great work you have put together.

13 years ago

Great post

13 years ago

Hey Jordan,

Your videos are amazing. I have recently started learning Spanish on my own and your videos are an amazing aid. Thank you so much for the great work!

Miriam Ambriz
13 years ago

Hola Sr. Jordan,
En mis clases de Español en la escuela primaria de Ridgewood, sus videos son de mucha ayuda. El programa FLES es muy simple y no tenemos un sistema de libros a seguir, asi que sus ideas son de gran valor en mi enseñanza. A los niños les encanta ver que playera va a vestir pues son muy chistosas. Mil gracias por compartir sus videos.

Sra. Thompson Rosario
13 years ago

Buenas, Sr. Jordan, ¡Gracias! por su ayuda. Your videos will help my students study on their own, with a study group or their parents! I’m much oler than you,LoL, but when I grow up I want to be like you!


Yolunda Elam
13 years ago

Hola! Me gustan mucho los videos que ud. hace. Soy maestra del español también y uso sus videos en mi clase por repasos o simple para ensenarles algo diferente (y también como una manera que yo puedo ensenar el concepto). Gracias por todo su trabajo y espero que Dios te bendiga!!!!


13 years ago

Thank you for these videos and the explizit granted right to download.

Easier than YTD would be VDownloader.
Just select UserName, type in your username from youtube and hit search.
If you then could provide something like a playlist for the second part ( the first is in right order because of the naming ) it would be heaven.

Regards and hasta luego from germany

Ai Nguyen
13 years ago

Senor Jordan,

THANKS for your GREAT VIDEOS. I LOVE your videos. It’s easy to follow. Keep posting new videos please:)

13 years ago

hey Jordan, u make excellent videos here! i used to spend 2 years taking part time lessons in China to learn spanish however very poorly progressed, then i came to London, tried to pick it up again by going to part time language school still… u know… 😛 but i love ur videos! they are fun but also pointing out so many questions that i just feel: i was confused about it too! really well done
muchas gracias!

13 years ago


I just discovered your YouTube videos. I just moved to Costa Rica and was wondering if your videos teaching Spanish is for Costa Rica. I have heard Spanish and Costa Rican Spanish are different?

Gracias, Juan

Les McBride
13 years ago

To be quite honest, I’m not a great film maker and you have done a lot already. I really appreciate your videos and how open you are about collaborating with others. I teach from realidades and really the only thing that I provide students that might be unique are visual flashcards for every unit. If you are interested you can use them and they are in the vocabulary sections. I really appreciate your videos and one day I’ll try to convince myself to make one for my students as well. They keep telling me that I should.
Senor McBride

Marta Medina-Feliciano
13 years ago

Hey Senor Jordan we are extremely grateful for all your videos. I personally enjoy them. The students in my school ask about your t-shirts and also ask about when they will see a video on the topic we are covering. Funny. Anyway they thought it would be cool to send you a Cardinal Hayes Polo (we are all out of medium so I hope a large would be good). Cardinal Hayes High School is a school in the Bronx New York. It’s an all boys private school with boys of middle to low income. Nonetheless we would like to send you a polo shirt with the hopes that you could wear it. Maybe I could skpe you one day to our classroom or something like that.

13 years ago

Thank you.

14 years ago

good for you~~tks a lot

Sra Duff
14 years ago

Thank you so much for making your videos public and easy for other teachers to use. I often play them for my class to give them someone else to listen to. Somehow they understand better after I’ve instructed them and we’ve watched your video – same song sung by a different singer, I guess. (aka they tune me out.. haha!) I also suggest they watch your videos for I think your videos are great though.a review before quizzes and tests and if they were absent for the lesson in class. There are even students excited to review with you over the summer to stay on track!! Thank you again for the hard work you put into them and for allowing others to use them. 🙂

Spanish Videos

Señor Jordan 2024

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