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01-003 – Formal vs. Informal

In this video, we’ll be reviewing some of the basic questions from the Basic Conversation as well as discussing the two ways to say “You” in Spanish: and Usted (Ud).

is you for people we know and younger people whereas Usted is used for respect.

Hope it helps! Feel free to ask any questions below.

Related Video(s):
Basic Conversation (part 1)

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2 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago

will definitely look back at this video

3 years ago

hopefully one day i will know how to speak this language. very helpful

Iyana Sneed
3 years ago

This video was very informative, and helped my sperate how to use You “Tu” and “Usted”. Gracias

Martin george
4 years ago

this video is very helpful and it makes learning terms easy

4 years ago

The video said spanish words that i never heard before.

4 years ago

It helped me learn how to say different this in spanish thanks.

4 years ago

This video helped me

4 years ago

this video really helped me understand the spanish easier and i took a lot of ntes to study with

Joseph Hartley
4 years ago

im learning slowly but surely.

4 years ago

Hi, in the discription of your videos can you please put the words in their translation.

Cómo te llamas?
What is your name?

Thank You

5 years ago

This video really helped me. Gracias.

antonio abron
6 years ago

well im new to this can some explian how this goes

brandon green
6 years ago

hey!I like youre videos a lot they help my class study and teach them a lot of good stuff

abdala hassan
7 years ago

mi ellamo abdala hassan . soy de somalia . i want to learn spanish now i,m learning it some apps i download from play store spanish is my favourite language senior jordan i want to help me. mucho gracias

7 years ago

I enjoyed this video I hope one day I can speak other languages like that,

9 years ago


samuel clemens
11 years ago

question how do you respond do you respond in same way or is there a different way to do it

12 years ago

Do you have a video on pronouns??????? If so what is it? How do I identify a pronoun?

menna ahmed
12 years ago

! hola !… I’m menna from Egypt …. I don’t know how to thak U 4 this ….
I’ve got a bAbY quistion …. the (D) in usted is it like z with our tongue outside …
If yessss is it in all words Or somE O0onlY ???
Mucho gracias

13 years ago

At the end where you ask where are you from? De Donde es usted? How do you supoose to responed back as De Donde Agentina.

Libby Joy
13 years ago

Senor Jordan,
How do I roll my R’s???? I don’t know how to

13 years ago

Hey mate, can you make a video on how to roll your R’s??? I’m struggling big time! Thanks

13 years ago

Hi, I’m just a bit confused. So basically the verbs, “Se” & “Te” refers to “YOU” OR “HE or SHE” For example, i would ask a girl, como te llamas. But a teacher, i would say como se llama usted. Why would that be “se”? (The question I am really trying to ask,)

14 years ago

Hey, I really like your lessons, you take it slow and repeat everything multiple times so it’s easy to remember, they’re super helpful, thanks a lot! 🙂

Swarup Santra
14 years ago

Hola, senor Jorden !
when it’s becoming formal from informal, we are just adding “Ud.” at the end of the sentence. And simultaneously, some changes are happening in rest of the part os the sentence, basically the ‘Verb” one. But, now I am not getting it. what’s the rule in it? I hope, I may learn in later lessons. isn’t it?
! Gracias !
! Adios !

Kathy Nethery
16 years ago

Hello I have recently been called to the mission field to Mexico. I am trying to learn Spanish and have a desire but no finances to go to language school. Am praying though. So in the mean time I will study with you. Do you have DVD’s? If so how much? Thank you so much? God Bless

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