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02 – Reflexive verbs (part 1)

In this video lesson we’ll be going over verbos reflexivos, or ‘reflexive verbs’. In this particular video, the reflexive verbs are those in which a person does the action to them self. They are conjugated a little differently only because of the –se on the end. This video lesson is a little more advanced. Enjoy!

Feel free to leave any questions, comments, or suggestions below! ¡Gracias!

Verb charts:

llamar – to call
(Yo) Llamo por teléfono. – I call on the telephone
llamarse – to call oneself
(Yo) Me llamo
– I call myself
mis amigos – my friends
hablar – to talk
hablarse – to talk to oneself

me – me, myself
te – you, yourself
se – himself, herself, yourself (formal), themselves, yourselves (plural)
nos – ourselves

los dientes – teeth
la cara – face
el pelo – hair

levantarse – to get oneself up, to lift oneself up
lavarse – to wash oneself
cepillarse – to brush oneself
secarse – to dry oneself
bañarse – to bathe oneself
despertarse (e-ie) – to wake oneself up
vestirse (e-i) – to dress oneself, get dressed
acostarse (o-ue) – to put oneself to bed, to go to bed
dormirse (o-ue) – to fall asleep




Related video(s):

  1. Reflexive verbs (part 2) Stem-Changers
  2. Reflexive verbs (part 3) Multiple verbs + ing
  3. Antes de / Después de + verb (part 2) w/ reflexives
  4. Reflexive verb song!

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3 years ago

Hi Señor Jordan!

I’ve heard of some people using the reflexive after the verb, for example instead of “Yo me lavo la cara” it is “Yo lavarme la cara”. Is this acceptable?


Sami Zimmerman
4 years ago

Your videos arent modern, but still helps the most out of all the videos I watched, I am just curious, do you still make videos ?
make sure to email me please

Jeanette Jordan
5 years ago

Your videos are great, I am a teacher and many of my students think that we are related because were both Spanish teachers and My name well is Mrs. Jordan. I also teach Spanish. you have been a great resource in teaching grammar to my students. I donated to your website so you may continue the great work. I am Spanish decent though. Spanish is my first language. Questions. Have you ever considered a website fmaking a workbook for teachers? I would like to share a website called teachers pay teachers. it would be great if you would make worksheets for us teachers and at the same time this could be extra money for you as well. I buy from TPT all the time. this would help teachers with lesson planning.

Amparo Wolden
7 years ago

I have said this before and I am saying it again… THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THESE VIDEOS~!!! I am a native speaker and I teach Spanish 1, Spanish 2, and Spanish 5 but without these videos I don’t think my students will understand as well as they do. Being a native speaker makes it harder to explain and you do an AWESOME JOB! Just so you know, you are my co-teacher in my classroom.

7 years ago

Hi Señor Jordan!
Just to clarify: if someone says “Lavo mi cara” he/she is not using the reflexive verbs, because the rule for this verbs is to use the reflexive pronouns: me, te, se, nos, os, se… that implies you are receiving yourself the action of the verb.
Therefore, Me lavo la cara (implies the reflexion, because “me” represents yourself therefore to use “mi” it is unnecessary).
However, as Spanish teacher in Barcelona, Spain, I enjoy very much your videos, grammar explanation and examples.
Thank you very much for a such great job.

7 years ago

Senor Jordan,

Gracias por la lecion.Thank you for these videos, they are quite helpful.

9 years ago

Hello senor Jordan I just would like to let you know that your video’s have helped me with my Spanish homework

Christine Pia Gerzon
9 years ago

Gracias por esto. I’ve been confused with this for a very long time and after watching this video for a few minutes, everything was cleared up. Thanks Señor Juan 😀

Chris B
9 years ago

You did a very good job of explaining the reflexive verbs.

Jan H
9 years ago

I stumbled upon your videos quite by accident and what a happy accident it was! I am very late in learning a new language (I’m 60!!), so it’s a struggle. But your videos really help clarify things and you explain things in “simple English” so that people can understand them. You are a great teacher and your students are very lucky to have you. Thanks for the videos. I always learn from them and get questions answered by them.

11 years ago

Thank you so much for all of your helpful videos and great website that is both helpful and cool!!! You have helped me so much in my Spanish 5 Class in the 11th grade!! Your help is very great and your students are lucky to have you as their teacher!! Thanks again and best of luck in the future!!

12 years ago

Kelly – because Spanish spoken in most North, Central, and South American countries don’t use that verb form. This is the type of Spanish he speaks.

12 years ago

Hi, why dont you use vosotros in your conjugation? Thanks

12 years ago

The way you teach is even better than the Spanish courses in Florida Virtual School!

Jean Weingartner
12 years ago

I love the videos–thanks! They are a great way to learn and to review. I just wish each video had a worksheet. Do you know if they are coming??? Thanks

Dave Kramer
13 years ago

I am trying to teach myself spanish for 3 years. Your videos and website have been invaluable. Please don’t ever stop. My appreciation and I’m sure of many others are beyond words.

Dave Kramer, MD

rosalie tijamo
13 years ago

Hola! Senor Jordan! Soy una Filipina tengo poco vocabulario de Espanol. Cuando fue es nina, me escuche hablan en el Espanol mi abuelo y abuela. Soy feliz que me da (or dio?) usted lecciones en el verbos reflexivo. Estoy sientando ( is this correct for sitting?) aqui enfrente a su video y ahora doy le gracias a ti. Muchas gracias otra vez y mas poderte.

Goshhhhhhhhh……don’t I sound funny Senor Jordan….this is my first attempt to communicate in written Spanish…ugh…I hope you will correct my errors here.


Dama de Noche

Ana Sahagún
14 years ago

¡Saludos Sr. Jordan! Gracias por los videitos. Son muy lindos. Me encantaría que hicieras un videito saludando a mis alumnos de Martin County High School. Sería muy lindo. 🙂

14 years ago

Your video production and teaching methods are outstanding, and for some reason I feel guilty receiving them for free. Thank you!

I understand your example of, “Me lavo la cara.”

Why is, “Lavo mi cara” incorrect?

14 years ago

Wonderful videos Senor Jordan, gracias! I have a quick question, how would you say something like “I wash your face”? Me lavo la cara would be “I wash my face”… would “Te lavo la cara” be “I wash your face”? But I know you said whenever the verb is in the yo form like lavo is in this instance, it has to have strictly ‘me’. Thanks!

15 years ago

Thank you SO much for recording these videos, you are an amazing teacher! I am just curious, how long did it take for you to become fluent? Also, I am very overwhelmed by all the conjugating that is required for learning Spanish. I pretty much understand what each tense is for, all 14, and how to conjugate regular verbs. BUT, is there a study technique that is less tedious for remembering the irregulars in all 14? I have literally buried myself in my “501 Spanish Verb book,” and still have trouble. Thank you again for all you are doing, this is an awesome website!!

Señor Jordan
15 years ago

¡Gracias! Y de nada.

15 years ago

You did an excellent job explaining what the reflexive was. Thank you.

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