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Spanish Bite – Regular -AR verbs (Preterite)


Welcome to this NEW series on incredibly short Spanish lessons!

The Preterite (or preterit) is different from the Present Tense. It is a past tense while the present tense talks about what happens, is happening, or will happen in the near future.

Think about in English how we say “walks” or “walk” and “walked”. What’s the difference?
Walks and walk are in the present tense (now) while “walked” is in the past tense. That’s what we are expressing with the preterite. It’s similar to the ‘ed’ ending in English..

You’ll notice that the verbs will change differently from the present tense endings. There will also be slight differences in verbs ending in -CAR, -GAR, -ZAR and the verbs andar, dar, and estar.

There are two bite-sized versions of this topic. One that is one minute long and the other is under four minutes. Enjoy!

video (short):

video (longer):

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