Hola. In this lesson we’ll be learning about the verb poder in the present tense. Poder means “can” or “to be able”. This video uses a wide array of vocabulary from previous videos. You might watch previous videos before watching this one or just check the wordbank below.
Leave any questions, comments or suggestions below!
Hola Senor Jordan. I have been taking Spanish classes for 5 years now and your videos have really helped me learn. Thank you!!!!!!!!
Ben Piche
10 years ago
Hola Senor Jordan. About your example “Si puedo ir de vacaciones a Mexico.” This is the first time I have seen a statement where the preposition “a” does not immediately follow “ir.” Is this because “vacaciones” is not a specific destination such as “escuela” or “tienda”? Such as in English we se “going on vacation,” or “going on a journey” whereas “going to school” or “going to the store.”
11 years ago
I love your website but one thing do you like “Pepsi”? I do!! Long live pepsi!
12 years ago
Could you please explain the “las” in “No. Hector no puede comerlas.”
Michael S
12 years ago
Hi Señor Jordan,
Thank you very much for your time and efforts. Your videos are a fantastic learning resource.
12 years ago
I am so happy I found you. You are a pefrect teacher. It is apleasure to learn Spanish with you, it doesn’t seem so overwhelming! Thanks!
Dave Kramer
13 years ago
I like when you give the lesson in spanish with it written as well.
Thanks for your question. You might watch the video on Direct Objects. Lo and La both can mean ‘it’. In this video, I use lo to mean “it”.
-Sr. J
14 years ago
Dear Sr. Jordan,
What is it that sounds like “taytocah” or maybe “kaytocah”? This is in several videos, and I haven’t been able to figure it out.
14 years ago
Hola Senor Jordan,
Why is the “las” in the sentence? “No. Hector no LAS puede comer…”
I think someone put the wrong chart on this video.
You are talking about what people eat, and the chart
has peoples favorite colors.
Hey, Señor Jordan, thanks for the videos.
Hola Senor Jordan. I have been taking Spanish classes for 5 years now and your videos have really helped me learn. Thank you!!!!!!!!
Hola Senor Jordan. About your example “Si puedo ir de vacaciones a Mexico.” This is the first time I have seen a statement where the preposition “a” does not immediately follow “ir.” Is this because “vacaciones” is not a specific destination such as “escuela” or “tienda”? Such as in English we se “going on vacation,” or “going on a journey” whereas “going to school” or “going to the store.”
I love your website but one thing do you like “Pepsi”? I do!! Long live pepsi!
Could you please explain the “las” in “No. Hector no puede comerlas.”
Hi Señor Jordan,
Thank you very much for your time and efforts. Your videos are a fantastic learning resource.
I am so happy I found you. You are a pefrect teacher. It is apleasure to learn Spanish with you, it doesn’t seem so overwhelming! Thanks!
I like when you give the lesson in spanish with it written as well.
what dose lo mean?
Thanks for your question. You might watch the video on Direct Objects. Lo and La both can mean ‘it’. In this video, I use lo to mean “it”.
-Sr. J
Dear Sr. Jordan,
What is it that sounds like “taytocah” or maybe “kaytocah”? This is in several videos, and I haven’t been able to figure it out.
Hola Senor Jordan,
Why is the “las” in the sentence? “No. Hector no LAS puede comer…”
Great question. Las means ‘them’ and it refers to ‘las fresas’.
I could say “Héctor no puede comer las fresas’
or shorten the sentence (since we know we’re talking about ‘fresas’ to ‘Héctor no las puede comer’
I think someone put the wrong chart on this video.
You are talking about what people eat, and the chart
has peoples favorite colors.
Hey, Señor Jordan, thanks for the videos.
Sorry if that was a little confusing! I explain in the video that the “following people can only eat certain foods based on their favorite color”.
-Sr. Jordan