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02 Demonstrative Pronouns

This video lesson is a continuation on the demonstrative lessons. Now, so far we’ve gone over the demonstrative adjectives:
este / esta – this
estos / estas – these
ese / esa – that
esos / esas– those
aquel / aquella – that (far)
aquellos / aquellas – those (far)

Those go before nouns to modify them. If only there were a way to get rid of the noun…[strokes chin]. Oh wait there is!

Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this video!

Thanks for watching!

Éste / Ésta – this (one)
Éstos / Éstas – these (ones)
Ese / Esa – that (one)
Esos / Esas – those (ones)
aquél / aquélla – that [far] (one)
aquéllos / aquéllas – those [far] (ones)

me gusta(n) más – I prefer… / I like more…

una bandera – a flag
una computadora – a computer
unas fotos – some photos
un bolígrafo – a pen
una camiseta – a t-shirt
un coche – a car
un libro – a book
unos dulces – some candy
unos zapatos – some shoes
un teléfono – a telephone
un reloj – a clock / watch
un pupitre – a desk
unos pantalones – some pants

Related video(s)

  1. Demonstrative Adjectives (part 1): This & That
  2. Demonstrative Adjectives (part 2): This & These; That & Those
  3. Neutral Demonstratives: esto, eso, & aquello
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13 years ago

Thank you so much for your videos! I survived my intensive Spanish 101 class where we did most of the material you cover in the videos in 4 weeks. My head is about to explode, but it was fun.

One thing – we were told that the accent marks on the Demonstrative Pronoun is no longer needed nor recommended. (Even our book had them – but the universities that teach Spanish are “correcting” that….)

Thought I would just pass that on.

Bob Mrotek
16 years ago

The part about using the accent mark to show that the noun being modified is missing is very interesting and helpful. Thank you.

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