Hola. So in this lesson we’re going to continue talking about using the word “se” similarly to how we did in the videos on “se permite” and “se prohíbe“.
At times the “se” gives off the idea of “you [do something]” without saying “you”. Other times, we might translate it to “one does something” or “something is done”.
Leave any questions or comments below!
Practice #1:
Helpful graphic (click to enlarge):
Sustantivos (nouns):
el agua – water
el ajedrez – chess
el azúcar – the sugar
el café – the coffee
el cerebro – the brain
el corazón – the heart
el derecho – the right
el fruto – the fruit
el himno – the hymn, anthem
ella – she
la leche – the milk
la noche – the night
las cosas – things
las escuelas – the schools
las horas – the hours
las pastillas – pills
los zapatos – the shoes
papaya – papaya
qué – what
un año – a year
un Árbol – a tree
unas vacaciones – some vacation
Verbos (verbs):
aprender – to learn
bailar – to dance
comer – to eat
conocer – to know, to be acquainted with
correr – to drive
creer – to believe
deber – should
desayunar – to eat breakfast
escribir – to write
escuchar – to listen (to)
entender – to understand
hablar – to talk
jugar – to play
necesitar – to need
poder – can, to be able
querer – to want; to love
tener – to have
tomar – to take, to drink
trabajar – to work
Otro (other):
a – to
con – with
como – how
¿cuánto? – how much, how many
en – in, on
más – more
nacional – national
normalmente – normally
para – for, in order to
por – for, by
que – that
rápido – fast
sin – without
su(s) – his, her, your (formal), Â their, your (plural)
I am looking for your impersonal se video “to shift blame.” No luck, can you sen me the link? Thanks
Sarah Cesena
10 years ago
Me fascinan tus video, muy bien hechos! Muy seguido los pongo para mis clases! One small issue I saw on the passive voice practice video. Se ponchan llantas gratis- It is a parking area sign saying “estacionamiento (E) no gratis, se ponchan las llantas”. Not that tires will be popped for free rather if you must pay to park there.
10 years ago
What about – “this is not edible”.
10 years ago
Hi, maybe in Britain, the translation would be “This cardboard is not meant to be eaten.” (It has another purpose for being there, though I can’t help wondering what it might be.)
Sure thing! The idea of the impersonal/passive se is that there are endless possibilities of better ways to say it in one’s own language. Yet in Spanish, it is very common to find this construction. 😉
-Sr. J
Srta. T
10 years ago
Acabo de encontrar tu sitio web y te quiero felicitar. Has hecho un trabajo impresionante! La cantidad de trabajo que has hecho es increible. Se que puede requerir muchas horas para crear un video de solo unos minutos, expecialmente con los efectos de texto y partes interactivas. Te admiro mucho y aprecio el gran trabajo que has hecho.
Mil gracias,
Srta. T
Srta. T,
¡Muchas gracias por tomar el tiempo de escribir un comentario tan lindo! Te lo agradezco. Me alegro de que pienses que mis videos son de tan alta calidad. 😉
-Sr. J
I am looking for your impersonal se video “to shift blame.” No luck, can you sen me the link? Thanks
Me fascinan tus video, muy bien hechos! Muy seguido los pongo para mis clases! One small issue I saw on the passive voice practice video. Se ponchan llantas gratis- It is a parking area sign saying “estacionamiento (E) no gratis, se ponchan las llantas”. Not that tires will be popped for free rather if you must pay to park there.
What about – “this is not edible”.
Hi, maybe in Britain, the translation would be “This cardboard is not meant to be eaten.” (It has another purpose for being there, though I can’t help wondering what it might be.)
Sure thing! The idea of the impersonal/passive se is that there are endless possibilities of better ways to say it in one’s own language. Yet in Spanish, it is very common to find this construction. 😉
-Sr. J
Acabo de encontrar tu sitio web y te quiero felicitar. Has hecho un trabajo impresionante! La cantidad de trabajo que has hecho es increible. Se que puede requerir muchas horas para crear un video de solo unos minutos, expecialmente con los efectos de texto y partes interactivas. Te admiro mucho y aprecio el gran trabajo que has hecho.
Mil gracias,
Srta. T
Srta. T,
¡Muchas gracias por tomar el tiempo de escribir un comentario tan lindo! Te lo agradezco. Me alegro de que pienses que mis videos son de tan alta calidad. 😉
-Sr. J