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01-014 – ¿Qué hora es? – Telling time (part 1)

¡Hola a todos!  In this video, we’ll be learning how to answer the question ¿Qué hora es? Make sure to review your numbers 1-59 if you’re a little shaky on them!

Also, I hope you enjoy the graphics. Sure, it’s nothing advanced, but I hope it makes it easier to learn for you! Enjoy!


Practice 1:

Practice 2:

Practice 3:

Click here to download sheet with questions to write on for Practice 3.

Hope this was helpful to you!  Please leave any questions, comments or suggestions below! 🙂

¿Qué hora es? – What time is it?
1:00 – Es la una.
2:00 – Son las dos.
3:00 – Son las tres.
4:00 – Son las cuatro.
5:00 – Son las cinco.
6:00 – Son las seis.
7:00 – Son las siete.
8:00 – Son las ocho.
9:00 – Son las nueve.
10:00 – Son las diez.
11:00 – Son las once.
12:00 – Son las doce.
It’s noon – Es el mediodí­a.
It’s midnight – Es la medianoche.

1:10 – es la una y diez
2:20 – son las dos y veinte 
4:35 – son las cuatro y treinta y cinco
7:40 – son las siete y cuarenta
10:55 – son las diez y cincuenta y cinco

9:15 – Son las nueve y quince / cuarto
11:30 – Son las once y treinta / media

de la mañana – in the morning
de la madrugada – in the early morning
de la tarde – in the afternoon, early evening
de la noche – in the evening, at night
2:00 PM – Son las dos de la tarde.
6:00 AM – Son las seis de la mañana.

 Telling time with “menos” (part 2)

  1. ¿Qué hora es? – Telling time with “falta(n)” (part 3)
  2. ¿A qué hora?
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3 years ago

I love your videos but my students say that you go a little to fast for them

Brenda Kruse
3 years ago

Hi, quick question – have just begun my “Learning Spanish” journey, and found your website (which is wonderful, btw). Was wondering, tho – in the video “Telling Time #2 (Practice)”, one of the clock faces shows 1:45 and this was translated as “es la una cuaranta y cinco”. Seems like all the others use “y” between the hour and minutes, is this peculiar to “es la una”?
Gracias por tu ayuda!

4 years ago

I have tried a million different methods for learning Spanish and none of them seem to work! I recently discovered your videos and they are so simple and effective… Thank you so much!!!

7 years ago

When I try saying speaking spanish it never sounds like this.

Jack M
8 years ago

Hi Senor Jordan,
I really like your Spanish videos. Thanks for posting them!

June Matten
9 years ago

This was a great video! I’m trying to learn Spanish so I can communicate with my Mexican relatives. This has helped a lot. Thanks!

Loretta Burger
10 years ago

I really enjoy using your videos in my class.
Muchas gracias por los videos nuevos.
I am sharing with other Spanish teachers.

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