¡Hola a todos! In this video, we’ll be learning how to answer the question ¿Qué hora es? Make sure to review your numbers 1-59 if you’re a little shaky on them!
Also, I hope you enjoy the graphics. Sure, it’s nothing advanced, but I hope it makes it easier to learn for you! Enjoy!
Hope this was helpful to you! Please leave any questions, comments or suggestions below! 🙂
¿Qué hora es? – What time is it?
1:00 Es la una.
2:00 Son las dos.
3:00 Son las tres.
4:00 Son las cuatro.
5:00 Son las cinco.
6:00 Son las seis.
7:00 Son las siete.
8:00 Son las ocho.
9:00 Son las nueve.
10:00 Son las diez.
11:00 Son las once.
12:00 Son las doce.
Noon – Es el mediodía.
Midnight – Es la medianoche.
1:10 – es la una y diez
2:20 – son las dos y veinte
4:35 – son las cuatro y treinta y cinco
7:40 – son las siete y cuarenta
10:55 – son las diez y cincuenta y cinco
9:15 Son las nueve y quince / cuarto
11:30 Son las once y treinta / media
de la mañana – in the morning
de la tarde – in the afternoon, early evening
de la noche – in the evening, at night
2:00 PM – Son las dos de la tarde.
6:00 AM – Son las seis de la mañana.
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thx 4 making these videos. they really help me understand spanish better.
In Christ,
Annie L
these videos helped me so much ! you should be my spanish teacher 🙂
Thank you so much for these videos, they are a fantastic help!
i have a question. Say the time is 5:42am. In your video you use the “son las seis menos diez y ocho de la mañana” Could you use “diecisiete” to replace ” diez y ocho” or is that a improper way of saying it?
thanks again! love your videos
i just wanna say i absolutly <3 your videos!!!!! thanks!!
Sólo quiero decir que me encanta absolutamente sus videos!! gracias!
these videos are sooooo helpful to me. im going into the 9th grade and i will be in Spanish 1 this year. my teacher last year showed these to us and it helped so much. gracias senor jordan!!!!!!!
than you mr jordan
These videos are sooooooooooooo helpful. I thank you very much for providing these for free and doing these videos, they are great.
sorry covered in part 2 just saw it
I jst discovered your site and I am thrilled.
I have to take Spanish at my study programm and I alreadu failed twice, so this time I have to pass or I cannot complete my study progam. however now tat I foynd your sire I am a bit more confident 🙂 in class (I ave a teacher from Spain) I learnt that for 2:40 for example I have to say: son es dos menos veinte
is that something only the people from Spain do to include the menos for the second half of the clock?
! hola! Señor Jordan, ?Cómo estás?
I´m learning a lot, your videos are great. I think to say las horas in Spanish is very similar to Portuguese, pero nós usamos dizer também 20:00 (vinte horas). 12:00 (meio dia) is the same; 13:00 (uma hora ou treze horas) and so on until 24:00 (vinte quatro horas ou meia noite). that´s interesting, isn´t it? Why don´t you learn Portuguese? It´ll be very easy for you.
Thank u for your tremendous work! One little thing, it is written “in the night”, should be “at night”.
BTW..ur hair looks nice long..great vids!!
Hola Senor Jordan, su leccion muy beneficioso para mi. Gracias. deme su addression de electronico, por favor.
At 3:24, you have “Son las once y trienta (media), yet the clock shows 10:30. Shouldn’t the text say “Son las diez y trienta (media) to match the clock? Thanks. BTW, I think your vids are awesome! Thank you for taking the time to make them. Can’t imagine learning Spanish any other way.
Yeah. Thanks for noticing! I hope to one day revise the older videos and the mistakes like that!
This was very helpful. Thanks for doing these!