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03 Present Subjunctive – W in WEIRDOS

As we continue talking about the present subjunctive, we find that there is a useful acronym: WEIRDOS, which can helps us remember many of the instances where we will need the present subjunctive.

In this lesson, we’re going to go over the W in WEIRDOS, which stands for Wishes, desires and imperatives. So check out the video and practice afterwards to check your understanding!

Leave any questions or comments below!

Explanation video:

Practice 1: (in context)

Miguel is trying his hand at online dating. See if you can figure out who he wants to go out with! (Follow Miguel in the rest of the series!)

Practice 2: 

Translate the sentences into Spanish.


verbos (verbs):

  • bailar – to dance
  • comer – to eat
  • comprar – to buy
  • cortar – to cut
  • desear – to desire, to wish
  • (yo) deseo – I desire / I wish
  • (nosotros) deseamos – we desire / we wish
  • escuchar – to listen to
  • esperar – to hope
  • (ella) espera – she hopes
  • (yo) espero – I hope
  • (nosotros) esperamos – we hope
  • estar – to be
  • hablar – to talk, to speak
  • hacer – to do, to make
  • hace calor – it is hot
  • hace frío – it is cold
  • ir – to go
  • irse – to leave, to go away
  • llegar – to arrive
  • necesitar – to need
  • (nosotros) necesitamos – we need
  • (ellos) necesitan – they need
  • (tú) necesitas – you need
  • (yo) necesito – I need
  • preferir – to prefer
  • (usted) prefiere – you [formal] prefer
  • querer – to want
  • (yo) quiero – I want
  • (tú) quieres – you want
  • quiere – he/she wants
  • (ellos/ellas) quieren – they want
  • saber – to know
  • ser – to be
  • (yo) soy – I am
  • tener – to have
  • visitar – to visit

sustantivos (nouns):

  • calor – heat
  • ella – she, her
  • el césped – the grass
  • el cuarto – the room
  • el pastel de cumpleaños – the birthday cake
  • el pollo – chicken
  • la fiesta – the party
  • la leche – the milk
  • la noche – the night
  • las cucarachas – the cockroaches
  • la tienda – the store
  • los padres – the parents
  • los pingüinos – the penguins
  • mañana – tomorrow
  • nosotros – us, we
  • un regalo – a present
  • un viaje – a trip
  • ustedes – you all
  • yo – I, me

otro (other):

  • a – to
  • buen – good
  • con – with
  • en – in, on, at
  • esta – this
  • mejor – better
  • nadie – no one, nobody
  • nuestro(s) – our
  • por – for, because of
  • sincero – sincere, honest
  • su – his/her/their
  • temprano – early
  • triste(s) – sad

Related videos:

  1. Introduction to the Present Subjunctive
  2. Present Subjunctive – WEIRDOS summary
  3. Forming the Present Subjunctive
  4. E for Emotions & Feelings
  5. I for Impersonal Observations
  6. R for Recommendations & Requests 
  7. D for Doubt, Denial & Disbelief
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Lorraine Warner
6 months ago

Why is #9 “haya” and not “hayan” when referring to cucarachas? Is it an impersonal phrase that requires haya?

7 years ago

Is there any way to purchase you videos. I use them in my Spanish class in a rural area. We often have trouble with internet. My students love your videos and find them very helpful.

Thank you and keep up the awesome work!

9 years ago

Oh my gawd you’re hot (losiento if there’s a Mrs. Jordan lol). The reason I passed my Spanish courses, too! Thanks so much!!! I wish I could donate something. .-.

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