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Basic Conversation – Entire Conversation

¡Hola! In this lesson, we’ll be going over some different phrases you might come across in basic conversations when talking to Spanish-speaking people

Leave any questions or comments below!

Related videos:

  1. Basic Conversation – Greetings and Goodbyes
  2. Basic Conversation – How are you?
  3. Basic Conversation – What’s your name?
  4. Basic Conversation – Where are you from?
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Mike McHugh
3 years ago

Hi Señor Jordan,

You are amazing! And the way you teach Spanish is awesome!
I will be hitting 70 this month, so I am NOT tech-savvy. And that
is why it took me so long to realize that your videos are not just
scattered all over YouTube, but are actually organized all in one
I am pretty good at using Duolingo daily, but I am going to add one
of your videos to my daily studies.
Thank you so much for the excellent content that you are putting out!

4 years ago

y is there a LEMON in COFFEY at the top of the page like what!?

Tyreek T
4 years ago

This really helped me i watched it from my phone.

5 years ago

This video really helped me understand more, thank you.

5 years ago

this video is really helpfuL!!!

5 years ago

This video really helped me thank you for all your videos.

Adam David Winkelman
6 years ago

yea i agree

8 years ago

God video

8 years ago

Your videos are great. My wife is a Spanish teacher and would like to put some videos like this together to use for her class. What program do you use to make your videos? Is it something that is affordable to produce at home?
Also, until she makes her own (which I’m sure takes a good amount of time) can she post some of yours on her class page?
Thank you and keep up the great work.

John Connor
9 years ago

Hola. ¿Cómo está usted?

Nathaniel Clark
9 years ago

حياة طيبة هي الحياة بفضل

Ethan Clark
9 years ago

Subió un amigo , ¿puedes hacer que todos tus vídeos en una película entera porque soy Inglés y quiero ahora más acerca español. I am serious i dont know a lot.

Jessica Pate
10 years ago

Hola, como estas? para mi clase de espanol tenemos que saber cuantos anos tienes. podrias desirme?

Muchas gracias,

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