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01-007 – Numbers 0-100

Hey everyone. Here’s the numbers lesson that review the prior two videos on numbers. I would recommend starting with the first one if you don’t know the numbers at all and slowly build from there. This one might be better to start with if you’ve already learned 1-39 and feel fairly confident on those.

Either way, hope this is helpful! It might be good to watch it a few times to practice and reinforce. Feel free to leave any comments or questions:

40 cuarenta
41 cuarenta y uno
42 cuarenta y dos
43 cuarenta y tres
44 cuarenta y cuatro
45 cuarenta y cinco
46 cuarenta y seis
47 cuarenta y siete
48 cuarenta y ocho
49 cuarenta y nueve
50 cincuenta
51 cincuenta y uno
5~ cincuenta y ___
60 sesenta
61 sesenta y uno
6~ sesenta y ___
70 setenta
71 setenta y uno
7~ setenta y ___
80 ochenta
81 ochenta y uno
8~ ochenta y ___
90 noventa
91 noventa y uno
9~ noventa y ___
100 cien

Related video(s):

  1. Numbers 1-15
  2. Numbers 0-39
  3. Números 100+
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3 years ago


3 years ago

Amazing job on the video Señor Jordan

7 years ago

Not as easy as it sounds.

Danielle Love
9 years ago

?Eres de Chihuahua? Es porque dices “osho en lugar de ocho” a ver si tengo razon???

9 years ago


10 years ago

Gladson Musonda,

I just stumbled on your question. I am very thankful for Sr. Jordan and his site. I thought I would give you a source to research the history of names. Google “behind the name”. If I were to write your name out phonetically the way a Spanish-speaker might say it, I would say “GLAHD-sohn”. Hope that was in anyway helpful.

Gladson Musonda
10 years ago

Is there anyway to say my name in Spanish and also can u make a video over cognates i really need em for my Spanish class……:) THANKS!! A BUNCH!!!!! LOVE YOUR VIDs

Taylor Anders
13 years ago

Hey there! Your video’s really help me. I am a junior in spanish two this semester. But my teacher is giving us extra credit if we watch the 1st 61 video’s of yours…and take notes, and my hand feels like its about to fall off. The video’s about what we’re learning in my class are very helpful, the beginning not so much, only because I’ve taken spanish 1 twice and I was tought it in elementary school! Well have a nice day! (:

13 years ago

Hola!!!! my 7th grade spanish teacher plays these videos every day at the beginning of class. learning a new language is tricky, but with your easy-to-follow and understand vids, im learning at a quick pace. your so amazing!!! thx!!! gracias!!!


Brian Stepanek
14 years ago

This comment is not tied to any particular video. First off, I have to say great job, your videos are easy to follow, informative, and you are a great teacher. Do you have a video explaining por vs para? Those two words always confuse me a lot. Thanks again!

14 years ago

I have a question about your Spanish pronunciation, “setenta”.
In Spain, they pronunciate ‘t’ sound somewhat thick. but your pronunciation is little different from I’ve learned. Umm… your
pronunciation was like English pronunciation I think..What do
think about this?

Swarup Santra
14 years ago

Owho !!!
So easy to learn the espanol numbers …….
Gracias, Sr. Jordar

14 years ago

this is brilliant..it really helps!! thank you!!!!!!!!!!

Señor Jordan
15 years ago

Right… you’ll say the year as if it were a normal number (not like English). For example…

1992 – mil novecientos noventa y dos
2009 – dos mil nueve

Thanks for your question!

15 years ago

Let me ask a question,
how in Spanish they call years? I mean for exmpl. in English 1992 is nineteen ninety two, but in Russian it is one thousand nine hundred ninety two or just ninety two. How it works in Spanish?

15 years ago

Fine! now I’ve to learn how to say in Spanish 200,300,400….900, I’ve already learned 100-cien y 1000-mil. Do you have a lesson about it?
Thanx for your response.

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