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01-027 Present Tense – IR (part 1) + place vocabulary

In this video lesson, we’ll be going over the verb ir in the present tense. Ir is an irregular verb. This means that although ‘to go’ is ir, the different forms do not look even close to ‘ir‘.

yo voy,  vas, Él/ella/usted va, nosotros/nosotras vamos, ellos/ellas/ustedes van.

This also includes some vocabulary on places also because we have to use ‘a‘ to mean ‘to’ when we go to a place. It will make more sense in the video! Enjoy.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this lesson, let me know!

Conjugation Chart:

present tense ir copy

yo voy – I go / I am going
tú vas – You go / You are going
Él va – He goes / He is going
ella va – She goes / She is going
usted va – You (formal) go / You (formal) are going
nosotros vamos – We go / We are going
nosotras vamos – We (f) go / We (f) are going
ellos van – They go / They are going
ellas van – They (f) go / They (f) are going
ustedes van – You all go / You all are going
el campo – the country, countryside
el centro comercial – the mall
el cine – the movie theater
el gimnasio – the gym
el museo – the museum
el parque – the park
el parque de diversiones – the amusement park
el restaurante – the restaurant
la biblioteca – the library
la escuela – the school
la iglesia – the church
la piscina – the pool
la playa – the beach
la tienda – the store

(tú) Vas a la escuela. – You go to school.
(Nosotros) Vamos al centro comercial. – We go to the mall




Related video(s):

  1. Present Tense  IR (part 2) ¿adónde?
  2. Present Tense IR (part 3): Ir + a + infinitive

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7 years ago

I would agree with ritu, however, our spanish teacher never mentioned that ether. HELP…

10 years ago

had 2 yrs spanish 40 yrs ago

11 years ago

In the last practice sentence of the video, ” I dont go to the pool because I dont like to swim”, why did the sentence end in “nadar”? Shouldn’t it be “nado”, for the Yo form of the verb?

Gracias 🙂

13 years ago

hey hamburger is: hamburguesa hope i helped u

13 years ago

Dear senor J.
Why is there a “v” used in “ir” verbs, but there is none in “ar.”

13 years ago

How do u say hamburger in spanish?

13 years ago

Hi, I hope you are able to receive this. I was just speaking with my spanish speaking (Mexico and el salvador) friends after studying this lesson and they were telling me that instead of vas or va its vey or veh? please help. It may just be the pronunciation they are familiar with. Thank you for everything

16 years ago

me gusto пример с “they are going in a VAN”!
Наконец-то я запомнила склонение этого глагола. Хотя в руском языке глаголы тоже склоняются по лицам, но другой язык…сложно. Например в русском языке глагол ИДТИ(ir):
я(yo) иду(voy)
ты(tu) идёшь(vas)
мы(nosotros,nosotras) идём (vamos)
вы(vosotros,usted,ustedes) идёте(vais)
он,она,оно(el,ella,) идёт(va)
они(ellos,ellas) идут(van).
кстати(a proposito/by the way), тебе идёт(not VA ,but ajustarse or ser adecuado or valer. I can`t chose the right word about your new hair) 🙂

John and Angela
16 years ago

Gracias por todos. Pienso que tu tienes un nuevo corta de pelo, no?.
Tambien, los “flash cards” son moi buen par nosotros.

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