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01032 Vocabulario – las frutas & gustar

Hola. In this video lesson, we’re going to review the verb gustar as well as add on to what we learned in the previous gustar videos. What the heck. I’ll throw in some fruits too.

The names for the fruits might differ from country to country. These are more or less standard names. I have noticed that my Mexican friends use ‘el limón‘ for both ‘la lima‘ and ‘el limón‘. I find that interesting.


Let me know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this video below! 🙂

me gusta(n__.
– I like __.
te gusta(n) __. – You like __.

me gustará(n) __ – I would like __.
te gustará(n) __ – You would like __.

la fresa – strawberry
la sandía – watermelon
la naranja – orange
el limón – lemon
la lima – lime
la manzana – apple
el durazno – peach
la cereza – cherry
las uvas – grapes
el plátano – banana
la pera – pear
el coco – coconut
la piña – pineapple
*el tomate – tomato

*I heavily vacillated about putting the tomato on this video, but decided that even though I learned it as a vegetable as a wee lad, it’s a fruta.

Related video(s):

  1. Me gusta (parte 1)
  2. Me gusta (parte 2)
  3. Gustar (all forms)
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4 years ago

This is a very helpful video that gave me a much better understanding on the term gustar and how to use it

6 years ago

Gracias Senor Jordan

10 years ago

Hola! I was just wondering why when you say “Te gusta mas _” why it isn’t “Que te gusta mas _” or “Cual te gusta mas_”

11 years ago

i love your website.it is so awesome and you inspire me to learn Spanish.
more then i want to . you see i hated Spanish because she did not make it fun.
so i quite un till i found you.
now i have a better teacher and speak fluent so thank you!

11 years ago

Hi SJ. Really enjoying your videos. Is there any particular you are using mas? I thought mas meant” more”. Does it have another meaning here?


11 years ago

I am a big fan. Thanks for all of the educational videos

11 years ago


12 years ago

Hello! I have just moved to Costa Rica from the US and am learning Spanish by immersion. In school I had several years of Spanish class so I have a base from which to start but that was many years ago. I found your videos through youtube and they have been a tremendous help. I like that I can pick and choose what topics I want and that they are in relatively short modules. And your explanations are simple and easy to understand.
I have a question about gustaria. I have learned here to say quisiera when ordering in a restaurant. Is this the same as gustaria? Or maybe it is a regional variation? I have a feeling they both would work but there is maybe a subtle difference in the wording/translation?
Thank you for providing these videos – they are great!

12 years ago

Hola Sr. Jordan,

I am so very thankful to you for your great videos. You have made everything so simple and interesting. You are really a great great teacher. Gracias.

12 years ago

¡Gracias, Sr. J. por su videos! Son muy útiles. Estoy aprendiendo español en P.R. por inmersión.

13 years ago

Thanks SJ!

13 years ago

Hi, I’m trying to polish up the parts of my Spanish that I never quite “got” in class. It is wonderful that you have all your videos broken down into small lessons so that we may choose what we need to learn. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with the world! And, I have been wondering FOREVER, how to say “I would like.” Mil Gracias!

Andrea Bogue
14 years ago

Dear Senor Jordan,
I am a 56 year old monolingual American who is trying desperately to learn Spanish in a Spanish 1 class at community college for credit. This has been the toughest semester yet. I don’t seem to be understanding much and am beginning to think I have some kind of learning disorder. Your site is a work of true service. You are a fantastic teacher. I am a visual learner and your graphics help considerably. I also teach ESL and get solid, practical ideas to bring to my classes. Thank you!

14 years ago

Cool video, I like it so much! But how about the conjugations for He/She/You like, We like, They/ You all like?

Curtis E
16 years ago

again thanx for these videos

Señor Jordan
16 years ago

Thanks for pointing out some of the regional differences. For more complicated gustar videos, those will be coming up soon enough. Thanks for the suggestion!

Bob Mrotek
16 years ago

Another great lesson Señor Jordan! Here where I live in Central Mexico it is very common to call a tomato a “jitomate”. The word “tomate” can mean “tomato” but it can also be used to describe a”tomatillo” which has a paper-like husk and resembles a tomato except that it is green and is usually used to make a green salsa. What we generally call a lemon in English is called a “limón agria” or a “limón real” here and they are not very common. If you just use the word “limón” by itself it generally always refers to a lime and limes here are very common and used for just about everything. I have a suggestion for another lesson using “gustar”. It would be helpful for people to learn how to turn gustar around a bit to say things like “Juan does not like Maria’s dog” or “Lorenzo does not like how I cook” or “They do not like me”.

16 years ago

Здорово! Теперь я готова пойти в испанский ресторан. 🙂 Кстати по-поводу помидора(томата), обычно в России принято считать его овощем, и я очень удивилась когда в одном издании узнала, что это ФРУКТ! Но теперь ещё более убедилась в этом факте. Спасибо!

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