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01-021 Present Tense AR verbs; él / ella / usted

In this video lesson, we’ll be continuing on our series of how to change AR verbs into the present tense. So far yo and had their own forms. For él, ella and usted though, it turns out that they all share the same form. Él means ‘he’, ella means ‘she’, and usted is ‘you’. Enjoy!

Feel free to leave questions/comments/suggestions. ¡Gracias!


ayudar (en casa)- to help (around the house)
bailar – to dance
cantar – to sing
cocinar – to cook
dibujar – to draw
enseñar – to teach
escuchar (música) – to listen to (music)
estudiar (español) – to study (Spanish)
hablar (por teléfono) – to talk (on the telephone)
nadar – to swim
necesitar – to need
patinar – to skate
practicar – to practice
terminar – to end, finish
tocar (la guitarra) – to play (guitar)
trabajar – to work

Yo cocino – I cook
Tú cocinas – You cook
Él cocina – He cooks
Ella cocina – She cooks
Usted cocina – You cook

Él nada. – He swims.
Juan nada. – Juan swims.

Ella canta. – She sings.
Verónica canta. – Veronica sings.

bien – well, fine
el libro de ciencias – science book
en un restaurante – in/at the restaurante
matemáticas – math
el piano – piano


Related video(s):

  1. Formal vs. Informal
  2. Personal Pronouns
  3. Present Tense AR verbs; yo form
  4. Present Tense AR verbs; tú form
  5. Present Tense AR verbs: nosotros/nosotras form
  6. Present Tense AR verbs: ellos / ellas / ustedes form
  7. Present Tense AR verbs: all forms
  8. Present Tense AR endings SONG!
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Eduardo Folsé
6 years ago

Just to point out, in the English version of restaurante, a second e is written at the end of the word which is incorrect as the word is restaurant. Just a small pointer. Thank you for the awesome Spanish help!

11 years ago

Its to cool.
How do you know so much?

11 years ago

In this video you used ‘ud’ instead of ‘usted’ for the word you. Does this mean it can be used as ‘ud’ and not have to write ‘usted’? It’s confusing me, please help. Muy, muy gracias.

11 years ago

Thanks for the AWESOME videos!

Ybbil Yoj
12 years ago

Senor Jordan,
Thanks for your wonderful, wonderful help. I love Spanish. Keep making videos!
-Ybbil Yoj

Allison Moore
12 years ago

It’s very helpful when you build on the present tense forms. I wish you were teaching my college Spanish class. Thank you for doing this!

14 years ago

are these also correct?

¿él canta?

¿Paulina ayuda en casa?

¿él canta?

¿él trabaja mucho?

¿Isabel escucha música?

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