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01-022 Present Tense AR verbs; nosotros/nosotras form

In this video lesson, we’ll be covering the nosotros / nosotras form of the AR verbs in the present tense. Wow, that’s a mouthful. If you remember, nosotros means ‘we’ (males & males + females) while nosotras means ‘we’ (females). Enjoy!

Hope this was helpful. Let me know if you have any questions/comments/suggestions.

ayudar (en casa)- to help (around the house)
bailar – to dance
cantar – to sing
cocinar – to cook
dibujar – to draw
enseñar – to teach
escuchar (música) – to listen to (music)
estudiar (español) – to study (Spanish)
hablar (por teléfono) – to talk (on the telephone)
nadar – to swim
necesitar – to need
patinar – to skate
practicar – to practice
terminar – to end, finish
tocar (la guitarra) – to play (guitar)
trabajar – to work

Yo practico – I practice
Tú practicas – You practice
Él practica – He practices
Ella practica – She practices
Usted practica – You (formal) practice
Nosotros practicamos – We practice
Nosotras practicamos – We (females) practice

yo hablo – I talk, I speak
tú hablas – You talk, You speak
Él habla – He talks, he speaks
ella habla – She talks, she speaks
usted habla – You talk, You speak (formal)
nosotros hablamos – We talk, we speak
nosotras hablamos – We talk, we speak (females)

bien – well, fine
dinero – money
la batería – drums
la pizza – pizza
la radio – radio
mal – bad, poorly
más – more


Related video(s):

  1. Formal vs. Informal
  2. Personal Pronouns
  3. Present Tense AR verbs; yo form
  4. Present Tense AR verbs; tú form
  5. Present Tense AR verbs; Él / ella / usted
  6. Present Tense AR verbs: ellos / ellas / ustedes form
  7. Present Tense AR verbs: all forms
  8. Present Tense AR endings SONG!
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8 years ago

I love your videos Sr. Jordan! They are so helpful in my Espanol (couldn’t make my computer do the accent over the n, sorry) class, and my teacher recommends you all the time. I love that you teach it in such a fun, casual way and not all stiff and textbooky. BTW, I love your Reses shirt! (it’s my fave candy.) Don’t listen to the haters!

9 years ago

You are missing the nosotros video.

Annie Lee
11 years ago

you need to wear a new shirt. I don’t like Reese’s.

13 years ago

I just found your video has a mistake.
In 3:07, the sentence is “We do not play drums” but subtitie saying, “Nosotros no tocamos la bateria”. Is it right? I think the word “drums” is plural.. Isn’t it?


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