
Señor Jordan

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02 Possessive Pronouns

Hola. In this lesson, we’ll be learning how to use Possessive Pronouns. These are actually quite similar to Stressed Possessive Adjectives.

Explanation video:

Practice 1:

Practice 2:

Practice 3:

Leave any questions or comments below!

Helpful Graphic (click to enlarge):
stressed possessive adjectives (website)


sustantivos (nouns):

  • el agua – the water
  • el hermano – the brother
  • el perro – the dog
  • la calle – the street
  • la casa – the house
  • la comida – the food
  • la envidia – envy, jealousy
  • la familia – the family
  • la licencia de conducir – the driver’s license
  • la mamá – the mom
  • la pizza – the pizza
  • la tienda – the store
  • los amigos – the friends
  • los hermanos – brothers / siblings
  • los niños – the children
  • los primos – the cousins
  • los papás – the parents
  • los teléfonos – telephones
  • los zapatos – the shoes
  • yo – I, me

verbos (verbs):

  • beber – to drink
    • beben – they drink
  • cocinar – to cook
    • cocina – he / she cooks
  • estar – to be
    • está – he / she is  / it is
    • estábamos – we were
  • ir – to go
    • fuimos – we went
  • jugar – to play
    • juega – he/she plays
  • necesitar – to need
    • necesitamos – we need
  • querer – to want
    • quieren – they want
  • ser – to be
    • es – he/she is
    • son – they are
  • servir – to serve / work (technology)
    • sirven – they serve / work (technology)
  • tener – to have
    • tienen – they have
    • tenemos – we have
  • tener envidia de – to be jealous of
  • verse – to look (in physical appearance)
    • me veo – I look (in physical appearance)
    • te ves – you look (in physical appearance)

otro (other):

  • a – to
  • aburrido – boring
  • bien – well
  • ¿cómo? – how
  • con – with
  • ¿cuál? – which?
  • de – of
  • en – in, on
  • favorito – favorite
  • feo – ugly
  • gordo – fat
  • gracias – thanks
  • interesante – interesting
  • más – more
  • mi(s) – my
  • mejor – better
  • mucho – a lot of
  • muy – very
  • nuevo – new
  • otro – other
  • pequeño – small
  • poco – a little bit of
  • que – than, that
  • su(s) – his / her
  • viejo – old
  • y – and
  • ya no – no longer / not anymore

Related videos:

  1. Possessive Adjectives part 1
  2. Possessive Adjectives part 2
  3. Stressed Possessive Adjectives
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6 years ago

Dear Señor Jordan,

I have been watching your videos for about 2 years now and i really like them a lot. I wish I had had you as my high school spanish teacher years ago. I am living abroad now and have started all over in Spanish and I am attending a one on one spanish class. But I am confused about prepositional pronouns, possessive pronouns and indirect and direct object pronouns. I thought I understood but my teacher speaks very little English. I can not find a video on prepositional pronouns here on your site.
Am I just miss understanding her? What videos of yours can help me please?
Keep up the good work!
Thanks Karen

Tiffany P
9 years ago

I just discovered your site. It’s amazing. THANK YOU!

9 years ago

I thank you too much Mr Señor Jordan and I realy admire and like all your lessons. They are very informative and you are realy an excellent teacher.
Best regards


Señor Jordan
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