As we continue talking about the present subjunctive, we find that there is a useful acronym: WEIRDOS, which can helps us remember many of the instances where we will need the present subjunctive.
In this lesson, we’re going to go over the W in WEIRDOS, which stands for Wishes, desires and imperatives. So check out the video and practice afterwards to check your understanding!
Leave any questions or comments below!
Explanation video:
Practice 1: (in context)
Miguel is trying his hand at online dating. See if you can figure out who he wants to go out with! (Follow Miguel in the rest of the series!)
Why is #9 “haya” and not “hayan” when referring to cucarachas? Is it an impersonal phrase that requires haya?
8 years ago
Is there any way to purchase you videos. I use them in my Spanish class in a rural area. We often have trouble with internet. My students love your videos and find them very helpful.
Thank you and keep up the awesome work!
10 years ago
Oh my gawd you’re hot (losiento if there’s a Mrs. Jordan lol). The reason I passed my Spanish courses, too! Thanks so much!!! I wish I could donate something. .-.
Why is #9 “haya” and not “hayan” when referring to cucarachas? Is it an impersonal phrase that requires haya?
Is there any way to purchase you videos. I use them in my Spanish class in a rural area. We often have trouble with internet. My students love your videos and find them very helpful.
Thank you and keep up the awesome work!
Oh my gawd you’re hot (losiento if there’s a Mrs. Jordan lol). The reason I passed my Spanish courses, too! Thanks so much!!! I wish I could donate something. .-.
You’re too kind! I’m glad to know my videos have been helpful to you.