
Señor Jordan

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03 Present Subjunctive – WEIRDOS summary

If you’ve already watched the introduction to the present subjunctive, here is a video that summarizes a helpful acronym: WEIRDOS.

This acronym is used by Spanish teachers to explain many of the uses of the present subjunctive in Spanish.

Leave any questions or comments below!

¡Gracias por mirar!

Related videos:

  1. Introduction to the Present Subjunctive
  2. Forming the Present Subjunctive
  3. W for Wishes, Desires & Imperatives
  4. E for Emotions & Feelings
  5. I for Impersonal Observations
  6. R for Recommendations & Requests
  7. D for Doubt, Denial & Disbelief

7 Responses

  1. Hi Sr. Jordan,
    I am helping to develop a course (Spanish 4) for North Carolina Virtual Public School. Would it be possible (or could I possibly obtain your permission) to use your “subjunctive” videos in our coursework? If so, I would be very appreciative.
    Sra. Simpson 🙂

  2. These videos are so helpful as I am trying to learn all forms of subjunctive. I would appreciate it if you could follow up with Imperfecto,preterito perfecto,Pluscuamperfecto of the subjunctive as well,gracias por todo,miguel

  3. Hola, soy española y profesora de español para extranjeros. Quería decirte que me gustan mucho tus vídeos, creo que son muy dinámicos y explican muy bien la gramática española centrándose en aspectos concretos. Creo que son muy útiles para estudiantes de español cuya lengua materna sea el inglés. ¿Muchas felicidades por tu trabajo!

  4. Jeremy Jordan,

    You might remember me from Truman State as one of the Spanish faculty there. Two years ago I moved to Mesa, AZ and am teaching at a charter school here. Its great seeing what you are doing on the internet. Keep up the good work.

    Sr Jewell

  5. Hi Sr. Jordan,

    Yo soy un estudiante en Crooms A.O.I.T. Mi profesora de espanol le encanta tus videos. Yo nada mas quiero decir ” Hi ” . 🙂 Que tengas un bien dia.

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