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Where are the new videos?

Hey everyone! Sr. Jordan here.

I’m currently planning videos to film this summer!

Two other projects you might check out:

Here are the videos from last summer. While I didn’t make as many as I would have liked to, I am very proud of the quality of the videos as well as the popularity of my new companion, Lucas.

Here are some of the highlights:

I’ve also partnered with MundoLearning.org to make a video on greetings.
Episode 1 – Spanish Greetings / Saludos

Thanks for watching and for believing in my project!

un abrazo,
Sr. J

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5 years ago

I can’t seem to access your 2nd video for Present Perfect … where is that (present perfect part 2)? You refer to it at the end of the 1st video, but I haven’t located it yet.


9 years ago

primero, gracias por todo. But I was wondering if you could explain tanto(s) y tanta(s) because I always have difficult with that and vs. tan.

Beverly Benjamin
9 years ago

Dear Senor Jordan,
I wish I was ready to write this in Spanish but I just started private lessons in June. I am 75 years old and learning a new language is both challenging and rewarding. I went on two missions to Cuba last year plus the fact that my daughter in law is Colombian has encouraged me to become functional in the language. After discovering your site, I introduced my tutor to it and she agreed that it is a wonderful learning tool to complement my individual lessons. You are an amazing teacher and you have helped me move more quickly in the learning process. I will be sending you a small donation as a means of thanking you for your commitment to your profession. Your students (and I) are very lucky to have your help. Also, I hope you do another t shirt as I would love to buy one.
Beverly Benjamin

9 years ago

Increible contenido, podrias publicar algo en español?

9 years ago

Hola! I’d love to include a quote from you in a round-up post I’m writing for TakeLessons.com, with tips for Spanish students. I could not find your email address, so if you’re interested in helping, please email me at blog@takelessons.com so we can chat! Thanks! 🙂

9 years ago

Hola Sr. J!

Your videos are excellent!I’m using them with my A-Level students here in the UK. We need an imperfect subjunctive video! Any chance of adding that to your to-do list?

Un abrazo desde Inglaterra.

10 years ago

Muy buenos videos sigan asi Gracias

10 years ago

You have been busy! Thanks!!! Great work, as always 🙂

11 years ago

Sr. Jordan,

Thanks for all of the work you do on your videos! I am a (struggling) first-year teacher who was happy to find these videos. Sometimes I will play them in class, but I also like to send students links here when they are struggling with a concept.

I have a lot of students truggling with asking and anwering questions (If someone asks, ¿Cantas tú?, they have trouble figuring out that you’d answer with the yo form, etc.) A lot of this just requires practice, but I’ve seen upper level students struggle with the same. Would you consider making a video about asking and answering questions in Spanish in the future?

Muchísimas gracias, y espero que le vaya bien.

11 years ago

Just to thank you for your great videos on Youtube. You are such a nice person, a great teacher. Many blessings. Take care. Muchos besos.

11 years ago

Your videos are great!! I’ve recently began my teaching career and am very interested in flipping my classroom or at least making videos to help my students study more. What program are you using to create your videos? I love that you are part of it and there is animation as well.

Thank you!!!

11 years ago

Hi Jordon..
I learnt spanish now planing to learn french so could you please suggest the website for hat similar to your way of teaching n all..please do reply with yes or no..
It will be very much helpful
Thnak you

11 years ago

I hate this! Im trapped in my commuter! Help get me out of here.
I can’t breath! By the way nice website!

11 years ago

Great website, so much useful stuff here!

11 years ago

Senor Jordan, you are a wonderful person, thank you for everything that you do!

omid nassir
11 years ago

Hi Jordan, Just wanted to let you know that i have stumbled accross many youtube channels for practicing spanish and you have out done yourself. All your videos are so slow, precise, and informative. you take time explaining what everything means and give examples of situations on where they would be used. Again just wanted to say thanks and keep up the AWESOME AWESOME work. A+++++++++++++++++

Bryce Hedstrom
11 years ago

Senor Jordan,

I cannot find an email address on your website or I would write you personally. I love your chistes. I have a book of Spanish jokes that I am getting ready to publish. They have been selected for appealing dorky humor and simplicity of language. I think they would fit well with your shtick. I would be willing to send you a beta version, if you like. Let’s talk.

11 years ago

Hola, I am a student who is learning Spanish. Your videos are very helpful and they are awesome! You are very handsome too.

J. Mitchell
11 years ago

Your videos are great. I need all the help I can get with my Spanish learning and your videos have been a very helpful addition to my language learning routine. Thanks.


11 years ago

Thanks a lot for the videos! I didn’t understand so much of the spanish lectures I was going to this semester. The teacher was going through so many different things in one hour and half of the students new some spanish from before, so it was a bit high level. But this videos are saving me for my exam in just a few days. I just wish I had found them before! It is really nice to be able to pause the video an go back, and you usually explain why the grammar is how it is in such a way that I understand it. I also like the small exercises 🙂

11 years ago

Me gustan mucho tus vídeos. You are a great teacher. You design your courses very well and they help me a lot! But, could you speak more slowly and repeat every example sentence twice? That would be better for me to know how you pronounce those words. By the way, I like your cute smile! Muchas gracias! Please keep producing more for us!

Mabel Lui
11 years ago

Querido Mr. Jordan:

No entiendo como usar el subjuntivo. Por favor haga un video sobre este tema.

Muchas gracias


Michele Harris-Padron
11 years ago

was searching for materials to help my first grade dual language with possessive adjectives and found your videos – I was able to use it and will be back to see what other resources I can “steal”. Thanks a bunch!!
Michele Harris-Padron
Juan Soria School, Oxnard, CA

Olivia R. de Garcia
11 years ago

Estimado Sr. Jordan,

Quiero primero que todo, felicitarlo por sus videos. Los he estado utilizando para mi clases en la secundaria, la preparatoria y algunas veces en la universidad. Me gusta el hecho de que utiliza muy bien nuesrto idioma y las explicaciones en inglés ayudan a los estudiantes a comprender mejor la gramática, pronunciación y la aplicación de la misma. Muchas gracias y agrezco mucho su gran esfuerzo e interés en compartir su talento con nosotros los maestros de Español. Diós le bendiga y felicidaes por su gran éxito y popularidad.

Olivia R. Maestra de Español.

David Wheeler
12 years ago

I am so thankful for all you are doing for us. I have been watching your video for only about a couple of weeks, I think I have learned more from your videos then the year I have been studying out of a book

Thanks again

12 years ago

Thank you for all the lessons. I learn a lot. But I have a request, can you give a lesson about the difference in use between IR vs VENIR.
Por ejemplo: Vienes?
Si, voy

I would really be grateful.

Thank you, and keep up the good work !

12 years ago

Dear Senor Jordan,
I love your videos.
I have a question for you. I have been studying Spanish off and on for a while. Recently the program I am using asked me to translate “He requires more food” answer “El require mas comida.” In print this is clear but in looking at it, I wondered, if speaking that phrase, how to not confuse it with “El rey quiere mas comida?” or “The king wants more food”?
I am new to your site and I don’t know if I am even asking this question in the correct forum? Nor do I know where to watch for your answer, but hey I tried.
Muchas gracias.

12 years ago

Mucho gracias for your videos! They are so good and helpful:)

12 years ago

Muchas gracias por los videos. Mis estudiantes lo usan como review para las pruebas finales. Es un gran apoyo para nosotros los profesores. Maria Gomez

12 years ago

Hello, thank you for all your hard work. Are you still on track to add more videos Feb 2013?

12 years ago

thank you so much for all these videos i really use them for learning this language. and the most difficult section is subjunctive which i was going to request and then i realized you are making that. thank you. is it in your program to work on present perfect and past perfect? again thank you and wish you all the best

Ghada Elnimr
12 years ago

Buena suerte… Me gustan los videos mucho.

Yves de Montréal
14 years ago

Muchas gracias pour todos los vidéos. Me gusta mucho.

16 years ago

Здравствуйте сеньор Хордан!
Прочитала ваши извинения, не переживайте. Спасибо, что заботитесь о нас, ваши уроки – то, что надо для меня. Кому бы я не хвасталась, что слушаю ваши уроки, все мои друзья оценивают их доступность и содержательность. А артистичности у вас куда более достаточно. Большое спасибо Muchos Gracias!

Spanish Videos

Señor Jordan 2024

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