Hola. In this video lesson we’re talking about complementos directos. We use these to talk about objects and people in Spanish when those are the object of the verb. If you’re still a little confused, watch the video. 😉
Leave any comments or questions below!
verbos (verbs):
ayudar – to help
ayudamos – we help, we helped
ayudaba – s/he used to help
amar – to love
ama – s/he loves
besar – to kiss
besaste – you kissed
comer – to eat
comí – I ate
comprar – to buy
compró – s/he bought
conocer – to know (someone, place)
conozco – I know
conoces – you know
cortar – to cut
decir – to say, to tell
dije – I said
dijo – s/he said
despertar – to wake up
despierto – I wake up
despiertas – you wake up
estar – to be
está dormida – she is asleep
están – they are
estuve – I was
hablar – to talk
invitar – to invite
invita – s/he invites
invité – I invited
ir – to go
vas – you go / you are going
fui – I went
fuiste – you went
jugar – to play
jugando al béisbol – playing baseball
lastimarse – to hurt oneself
me lastimé – I hurt myself / I hurt my ___.
lavar – to wash
lava – s/he washes
lavó – s/he washed
llamar – to call
llamo – I call
llegar – to arrive
llegué – I arrived
necesitar – to need
necesita – s/he needs
pensar (en) – to think (about)
piensas – you think
poder – can, to be able
puedo – I can
podemos – we can, we are able
poner – to put, to place, to set
puse – I put
querer – to want, to love (a person)
quieres – you want; you love (a person)
saber – to know
sabemos – we know
ser – to be
es – s/he is; it is
era – I was / s/he was
tener – to have
tengo – I have
tienes – you have
tomar – to take
visitar – to visit
visita – s/he visits
ver – to see
vi – I saw
viste – you saw
vimos – we saw
sustantivos (nouns)
anoche – lastnight
el brazo – arm
el número de teléfono – phone number
el hermano – brother
el partido de béisbol – the baseball game
el pasto – grass
el plátano – banana
el refri – fridge
el tiempo libre – free time
la abuela – the grandmother
la cebolla – onion
la cena – dinner
la fiesta – party
la flor – flower
la hermana – sister
la iglesia – church
la mamá – mom
la medicina – medicine
la mesa – table
la muchacha – the girl
la película – movie
la ropa – clothes
la tarea de matemáticas – math homework
la vida – life
mañana – tomorrow
un día – one day
viernes – Friday
otro (other)
¿cuándo? – when
¿dónde? – where
¿por qué? – why
¿quién? – who
a las ___ – at [time]
a ver – let’s see
de nuevo – again
después de – after
durante – during
en – in
eso – that
este / esta – this
gracias – thanks
guapo – handsome
inteligente – smart, intelligent
más – more
mucho – a lot
muy – very
nuestro – our
nuevo – new
pero – but
propio – own
que – that
realmente – really
siempre – always
su(s) – his, her, their, your (formal), your (plural)
Buenas tardes. Por casualidad, tiene sus videos en http://www.schooltube.com? No puedo accesar sus videos desde youtube.com en mi escuela. Esta bloqueado. Tampoco nos permiten usar un convertidor de video para poder mostrarlos en nuestras salas de clases. Ha pensado en tener los videos aqui disponibles para que sean accesados desde las escuelas?
Que pase un buen dia.
Mrs. Feliciano
12 years ago
ME ENCANTAN TUS CLASES SEÑOR JORDAN, y las uso como explicaciones y vocabulario extra con mis alumnos. I´m currently teaching this lesson to my 8th graders, and I clicked on the comments out of curiosity.
I´m going to answer to 2 questions, since I don´t know they got their response:
-> To Ricky, you´re confusing INDIRECT with DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS. You might already have figured that one at this point, but thought to explain it anyhow. LE/s are indirect. LO, LA, LOS and LAS are direct.
-> To Kyle, SE is a REFLEXIVE pronoun. Check that lesson out, and sure you´ll get the difference.
GRACIAS Sr Jordan. I originally ´´found´´ you when I came across you´re Feliz Navidad video last December, and now you get to be often´´present´´in my classes (español 5th-8th)
Profe Pradas
12 years ago
Very clear video on direct objects. Much better video than what comes with our school’s textbook. Hope to show it to my students soon.
12 years ago
Great video. Thanks for your effort. It is much appreciated.
13 years ago
Dear Señor Jordan,
You are an awesome teacher but I have a question. My Spanish teacher said that the Indirect Object Pronoun for El, Ella, y Usted was Le and that for Ellos, Ellas, and Ustedes it was Les. In your video, you said it was lo, la, Los, and las. We learned those to be the Direct Object Pronouns. Maybe what both of you are teaching are the same thing, or maybe not. I am kind of confused so can you help me.
13 years ago
Thank you Senor Jordan, you make learning Spanish so much fun and easy.
13 years ago
i appreciate ur videos and style of teaching…can u plz teach me spanish??
13 years ago
great lesson!!
13 years ago
Is it possible for you to write the dialogs with the vocabulary so that we can continue to study them after the video is over?
13 years ago
Sr. Jordan,
Does “se” ever come into play here? I am confused by the wide use of “se”
13 years ago
Señor Jordan, you have a knack for teaching Spanish and simplifying it for us. Very nice video tutorial on Direct Objects, Part 2. You make it very clear for those learning, where the subject, direct object, and verb must go, as demonstrated in your first example: Si. Lo tengo.
It’s nice to see you distinguish objects (lo, la, los, las) versus people (me, te, lo, la, nos, los, las). Great vocab list. By the way, I’m a fan of the description photos. Great job!
I think what you’ve got going on here is great!!
Sr. Jordan:
Buenas tardes. Por casualidad, tiene sus videos en http://www.schooltube.com? No puedo accesar sus videos desde youtube.com en mi escuela. Esta bloqueado. Tampoco nos permiten usar un convertidor de video para poder mostrarlos en nuestras salas de clases. Ha pensado en tener los videos aqui disponibles para que sean accesados desde las escuelas?
Que pase un buen dia.
Mrs. Feliciano
ME ENCANTAN TUS CLASES SEÑOR JORDAN, y las uso como explicaciones y vocabulario extra con mis alumnos. I´m currently teaching this lesson to my 8th graders, and I clicked on the comments out of curiosity.
I´m going to answer to 2 questions, since I don´t know they got their response:
-> To Ricky, you´re confusing INDIRECT with DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS. You might already have figured that one at this point, but thought to explain it anyhow. LE/s are indirect. LO, LA, LOS and LAS are direct.
-> To Kyle, SE is a REFLEXIVE pronoun. Check that lesson out, and sure you´ll get the difference.
GRACIAS Sr Jordan. I originally ´´found´´ you when I came across you´re Feliz Navidad video last December, and now you get to be often´´present´´in my classes (español 5th-8th)
Profe Pradas
Very clear video on direct objects. Much better video than what comes with our school’s textbook. Hope to show it to my students soon.
Great video. Thanks for your effort. It is much appreciated.
Dear Señor Jordan,
You are an awesome teacher but I have a question. My Spanish teacher said that the Indirect Object Pronoun for El, Ella, y Usted was Le and that for Ellos, Ellas, and Ustedes it was Les. In your video, you said it was lo, la, Los, and las. We learned those to be the Direct Object Pronouns. Maybe what both of you are teaching are the same thing, or maybe not. I am kind of confused so can you help me.
Thank you Senor Jordan, you make learning Spanish so much fun and easy.
i appreciate ur videos and style of teaching…can u plz teach me spanish??
great lesson!!
Is it possible for you to write the dialogs with the vocabulary so that we can continue to study them after the video is over?
Sr. Jordan,
Does “se” ever come into play here? I am confused by the wide use of “se”
Señor Jordan, you have a knack for teaching Spanish and simplifying it for us. Very nice video tutorial on Direct Objects, Part 2. You make it very clear for those learning, where the subject, direct object, and verb must go, as demonstrated in your first example: Si. Lo tengo.
It’s nice to see you distinguish objects (lo, la, los, las) versus people (me, te, lo, la, nos, los, las). Great vocab list. By the way, I’m a fan of the description photos. Great job!