
Señor Jordan

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02 Using Double Object Pronouns – Practice #1

In this video lesson we’re going to be practicing Double Object Pronouns.

If you aren’t sure what that means, it means we’ll be using both Direct Object Pronouns and Indirect Object Pronouns in the same sentences.

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Graphic (click to enlarge):

Double Object Pronouns explanati


  • a – to
  • comprar – to buy
  • decidir – to decide
    • decidió – s/he decided
  • el libro de poesías – the poetry book
  • el sombrero – the hat
  • grande – big
  • la blusa – the blouse
  • la estatua maya – the Mayan statue
  • la guitarra – the guitar
  • la máscara de luchador – the wrestling mask
  • las playeras turísticas– the touristy t-shirts
  • las tarjetas postales – the postcards
  • los abuelos – the grandparents
  • los aretes – the earrings
  • los cactos – the cacti
  • pequeño/pequeña – small
  • ¿quién? – who?
  • su(s) – his, her, their, your (formal), your (plural)

Related video(s):

  1. Direct Objects (part 1)
  2. Direct Objects (part 2)
  3. Direct Objects (part 3)
  4. Direct Objects SONG (lo,la,los,las)
  5. Indirect Objects
  6. Indirect Objects SONG!
  7. Double Object Pronouns explanation
  8. Double Object Pronouns Practice #2
  9. Double Object Pronouns Practice #3
  10. Double Object Pronouns Practice #4
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4 years ago

Hi Senor Jordan,

Thank you very much for having done all these efforts to teach us Spanish. Fantastic!
I have a question. Why does the question in the video start with an indirect object pronoun? I thought the DOP and IOP are only used when we know who we are talking or what we are talking about.

Thanks in advance and I wish you well,



Señor Jordan
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