
Señor Jordan

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02 Using Double Object Pronouns – Practice #3

In this video lesson we’re going to be practicing Double Object Pronouns some more.

If you aren’t sure what that means, it means we’ll be using both Direct Object Pronouns and Indirect Object Pronouns in the same sentences.

Leave any questions or comments below!trans

transGraphic (click to enlarge):

Double Object Pronouns explanati


verbos (verbs):

  • buscar – to look for
    • buscando – looking
  • comprar – to buy
    • compré – I bought
  • dar – to give
    • dio – s/he gave
  • decir – to say; to tell
    • dijiste – you said; you told
  • enseñar – to teach/show
    • enseña – s/he teaches/shows
  • estar – to be
    • está – s/he is
    • estamos – we are
  • explicar – to explain
  • hablar – to talk/speak
    • hablas – you talk
  • hablaste – you talked/spoke
  • ir – to go
    • vamos – we go
  • jugar – to play
  • llevar – to take, to wear, to carry
    • lleva – s/he takes/wears/carries
  • mandar – to send
    • mandaron – they sent
  • necesitar – to need
    • necesita – s/he needs
    • necesitamos – we need
  • pasar – to happen
    • pasó – it happened
  • pedir – to ask for
  • poder – to be able; can
    • puede – s/he can / you (formal) can
  • preparar – to prepare
  • preparando – preparing
  • prestar – to loan
    • prestas – you loan
  • querer – to want
    • querías – you wanted
  • saber – to know
  • ser – to be
    • es – s/he is / it is
  • tener – to have
    • tengo – I have
  • vender – to sell
    • vendió – s/he sold
  • ver – to see
    • vieron – they saw

sustantivos (nouns):

  • alguien – someone
  • anoche – lastnight
  • el color – the color
  • (el) fútbol – soccer
  • el hermano – the brother
  • el libro – the book
  • (el) mañana – tomorrow
  • el papá – the dad
  • (el) sábado – Saturday
  • el teléfono – the telephone
  • la esposa – the wife
  • la hermana – the sister
  • las botas – boots
  • la Navidad – (the) Christmas
  • la novia – the girlfriend
  • la película – the movie
  • la señora – the woman
  • las fresas – the strawberries
  • las rosas – roses
  • la (tele)novela – the soap opera
  • los abuelos – the grandparents
  • los estudiantes – the students
  • los tí­os – the uncles / the aunt(s) & uncle(s)
  • los zapatos – the shoes
  • todos – everyone
  • una bufanda – a scarf
  • unas vacaciones – a vacation
  • un favor – a favor
  • unos sándwiches – some sandwiches
  • un regalo – a present
  • usted – you (formal)

otro (other):

  • a – to
  • antes de – before
  • cuál – which
  • de – of
  • en – in, at, on
  • este – this
  • favorito – favorite
  • lo que – what
  • mi(s) – my
  • mucho – a lot
  • nuevos/nuevas – new
  • para – for
  • que – that
  • siempre – always
  • su(s) – his, her, your (formal), their, your (plural)
  • tu(s) – your
  • viejo(s) – old
  • ya – already

Related video(s):

  1. Direct Objects (part 1)
  2. Direct Objects (part 2)
  3. Direct Objects (part 3)
  4. Direct Objects SONG (lo,la,los,las)
  5. Indirect Objects
  6. Indirect Objects SONG!
  7. Double Object Pronouns explanation
  8. Double Object Pronouns Practice #1
  9. Double Object Pronouns Practice #2
  10. Double Object Pronouns Practice #4
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9 years ago

Hola! Thank you for uploading this video.

Really helped me to become comfortable in OD and OI that was becoming a nightmare for me 🙂

– Harsh


Señor Jordan
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