
Señor Jordan

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01 Direct Objects (lo, la, los, las)

Hola. This video lesson covers complementos directos (direct objects). In Spanish we have to be a little more careful with direct objects than in English because we have to take both ‘gender’ and ‘plurality’ into account. Oh right, and we put them in a different place in the sentence.

Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this lesson.

Rules summary:

direct objects


  • el lápiz – the pencil
  • un lápiz – a pencil
  • la pizza – the pizza
  • una pizza – a pizza
  • los marcadores – the markers
  • unos marcadores – some markers
  • las camisetas – the t-shirts
  • unas camisetas – some t-shirts
  • el bolígrafo – pen
  • el cine – movie theater
  • el plátano – banana
  • el refresco – soft drink
  • la camisa – shirt
  • la manzana – apple
  • la mochila – bookbag
  • los pantalones – pants
  • la papa – potatoes
  • la playa – beach
  • ¿Qué pasá? – What happened?
  • beber – to drink
  • comer – to eat
  • el café – coffee
  • el español – Spanish
  • estudiar – to study
  • la televisión – television
  • las verduras – vegetables
  • llevar – to take, carry, wear
  • los estudiantes – students
  • mirar – to look [at], watch
  • mucho/mucha – much, a lot
  • muchos/muchas – many, lots
  • el libro – book
  • necesitar – to need
  • tener – to have
  • una carpeta – a folder
  • un cuaderno – a notebook
  • un vestido – a dress
  • Related video(s):
  1. Spanish Bite – Masculine and Feminine nouns
  2. Spanish Bite – Definite Articles
  3. Spanish Bite – Indefinite Articles
  4. Nouns + definite articles + classroom vocab
  5. Nouns + indefinite articles + classroom vocab
  6. Direct Objects SONG!
  7. Direct objects (parte 2)
  8. Direct Objects (parte 3): Attaching Direct Objects
  9. Indirect Objects
  10. Double Object Pronouns Explanation
  11. Double Object Pronouns Practice #1
  12. Double Object Pronouns Practice #2
  13. Double Object Pronouns Practice #3
  14. Double Object Pronouns Practice #4
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Erin Flemington
6 years ago

I grew up with a family from Mexico city since I was a child and I understood it to a degree but didn’t have the patience to learn at that age. When I got older I had this insatiable desire to get it right and I tried so many programs which helped a little but not much. Everyone says I speak Spanish like I’m fluent yet at the same time it didn’t help when I only knew certain parts. You were the one that really made me understand sentence structure and things that I had questions on you answered. You’re an excellent teacher and I loved your video on possessed verbs as well lol. You’ve helped me volumes over the years and I hope that you continue to make these as I’m teaching my mother and daughter now as well. Hats off once again and thank you for these! You’re appreciated.

6 years ago

Thank you so much for your videos. I am 48 years old, an elementary teacher for general education, and someone who loves to learn. After completing my master’s degree, I decided to go to the community college and study Spanish because I love to talk with people when I travel. My study buddies from class are mostly teens who, for the most part, catch on more quickly than I do. You have to love those maluable brains. It is my determination along with your excellent videos (and my professor’s instruction, of course) that are making it possible for me to be successful. Your pace of instruction, visuals, and balance of English with Spanish is perfect. Your students are extremely lucky to have you. You are providing an excellent service to eager learners. Thank you!

Mallory Doak
7 years ago

Hola Sr. Jordan! Yo soy un estudiante en la clase de Srs. Miller en Highland High School. Actualmente yo estoy en la clase de Español 3 y tus videos me ayudan mucho. Para estudiar, voy a casa y ve tus videos para esa unidad. Tu definitivamente eres una gran parte de mi éxito en la clase de español y estoy emocionado de seguir viéndote en todo español 4 el próximo año. Gracias!!!!!!!!

Wendy Stuck
7 years ago

Mil gracias… de nuevo. Estudiamos los complementos directos (otra vez) en Español 2. Mis estudiantes están cansados de escucharme a mí, y los videos ofrecen otra oportunidad para ellos.

8 years ago

Thank you so much for this great website- you’ll be happy to know that you’re helping me teach Spanish to Australian high school students!

Michael Chartrand
10 years ago

Hi Jordan,

We need your help!! We are all teachers of various languages, working at an academy in El Salvador. A few of us are learning Spanish and have come across an issue about which we are stumped. Worse, no-one here can agree on the right format. Here’s the problem:

“Juan lee el periódico a los alumnos”. What are the rules for substituting the objects with pronouns?

Is the correct answer:

“Juan se lo lee” – where “se” refers to “los alumnos”
“Juan se los lee” – where “se” refers to “el periodico” ?

More importantly, why?

Plllease help – we are going crazy!!


BTW, thank you so much for your videos; they are incredibly helpful.

Vanessa A
11 years ago

Lo haces muy interesante… Sr Jordan

Vanessa A
11 years ago

Wow… Mi profesora me dijo que mi tarea era mirar este video… Y me ayudo mucho… Gracias.

Henrey McEbenhack
11 years ago

Hi! i think youre really cool and enthusiastic!

12 years ago

Hola Senor Jordon!

Your videos are so much fun and they really helped me review for my Spanish final! Gracias y adios!

Jessica Massanari-Sapp
12 years ago

Hola Señor Jordan!

Any Indirect Objects lesson out yet? Just reviewed them with my students and about to start the Direct Object Pronouns…I will use this lesson with my class- it is so straight forward, I would love to show them a similarly straight forward one for Indirect Object Pronouns to review.

Señora Massanari-Sapp
Swampscott, MA

12 years ago

hey, thanx 4 all ur help on thes spanish language in general. we have to watch some of your videos in and out of class for th grade spanish. they do help alot. its funny because we always pause the videoes to give us more time on each question ansd you always have a funny face when its paused!!

12 years ago

This is an excellent video. Watched it once and I got it!

13 years ago

! muchas gracias para tu ayuda !

13 years ago

Hola Senor Jordan,
Another great lesson!
Mucho gracias

13 years ago

hola senor

Loved your lessons… Thanks a lot.

could you please explain complementos indirectos? i jus cant figure out the difference and how to use them



13 years ago

Ola Senor Jordan,

Loved your lessons… Thanks a lot.

Still wanna know about Double Direct Object Pronouns in Spanish???



13 years ago

Hola! Tus videos me parecen excelentes.
Tienes algun video donde se muestren los otros pronombres de objeto directo como: me, te y nos?
Mil graicas.

13 years ago

Hola! I was wondering if you have any videos about direct and indirect object pronouns used in the same sentences. I’ve looked but wasn’t able to find any. It would be awesome if you made some because frankly, I’m having a hard time getting the concept through my thick skull! Thank you for all that you do 🙂


13 years ago

dear snr Jordan. you have made learning spanish easy and fun.i have tried to learn spanish for years using books, audio cds and computer dvds nothing has really worked until now . i am eternally grateful for lessons. may God bless you

houston tx

Slash Bali
13 years ago

Thanks a lot my brother………! it made me so easy to understand Spanish…it’s very helpful..need more….! Mucoh gracias………adios !

14 years ago

You are by far more effective and better teacher then many professional ones in collage. Mucho mucoh gracias senor..

Manali Natu
14 years ago

The video is superb! because of your videos you made Spanish learning very easy.
I have some doubt in it
If we have demonstrative adjective in the sentence then what rules to be followed while changing it to the Direct object?

14 years ago

Senor Jordan always makes learning fun & easy!

Heidi Shaw
14 years ago

The video was excellent! You made learning the direct object easy and fun! Thank you so much. Heidi


Señor Jordan
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