
Señor Jordan

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02 Direct Objects (parte 3): attaching Direct Objects

Hola. In this video lesson we’ll be talking about Direct Objects (me, te, lo, la, nos, los, las) again. It turns out that not only can they go before the verb phrase, but we can also put them in different places sometimes.

Leave any questions or comments below.  Enjoy!



  • abuelos – granparents
  • basura – trash
  • compadre – buddy
  • dinero – money
  • el carro – car
  • el restaurante – restaurant
  • espinacas – spinach
  • horas – hours
  • la bicicleta – bicycle
  • la comida – food
  • la tienda – store
  • papitas – chips, fries
  • libro – book
  • la abuelita – little grandma / little old lady
  • la pelota – ball
  • la tele – tv
  • niño – boy, child
  • novia – girlfriend
  • ojos – eyes
  • un besito – a little kiss


  • alcanzar – to reach; get to
  • apagar – to turn off
    • apagamos – we turn off
  • acaba de – s/he just (did something)
  • besar – to kiss
  • caerse – to fall down
    • me caí – I fell down
  • cambiar – to change
  • cocinar – to cook
  • comer – to eat
    • estoy comiendo – I am eating (right now)
    • está comiendo – s/he is ealing (right now)
  • comprar – to buy
  • dar – to give
    • das – you give
  • deber – should
    • debo – I should
  • dejar de – to stop (doing something)
  • encontrar – to find
  • estar – to be
    • está – s/he / it is
    • estaba – s/he was
  • fumar – to smoke
  • hacer – to do; make
    • hago – I do; make
    • hace – s/he does; makes
  • hay – there is / there are
  • ir – to go
    • vamos – we go
    • va – s/he goes
  • leer – to read
  • levantar – to lift
  • limpiar – to clean
    • estamos limpiando – we are cleaning (right now)
  • llegar – to arrive
    • llega – s/he arrives
  • lograr – to succeed
    • lograste – you succeeded
  • mirar – to watch
    • estaba mirando – s/he was watching
  • pasar – to happen
    • pasó – it happened
  • poder – to be able; can
  • puedo – I can
    • puedes – you can
    • pude – I could
    • pudiste – you could
  • querer – to want
    • quiero – I want
    • quieren – they want
  • saber – to know
    • – I know
  • sacar – to take
  • ser – to be
    • es – s/he is
    • era – s/he was
  • sonreír – to smile
  • te gusta – you like
  • tener que – to have (to do something)
  • terminar – to end
    • terminó – s/he / it ended
  • traer – to bring
    • traigo – I bring
  • tratar de – to try (to do something)
    • trataba de – s/he tried (to do something)
  • ver – to see


  • a – to
  • aburrido – bored / boring
  • allá­ – there
  • antes de – before
  • bien – well
  • con – with
  • cuando – when
  • de – of, from
  • en – in, on
  • esos – those
  • este – this
  • mucho – a lot
  • muy – very
  • nadie – no one
  • no – no
  • para – for
  • pero – but
  • por – for
  • porque – because
  • pues – well
  • puesto que – since, because
  • qué – what
  • que – that
  • rápido – fast
  • sí­ – yes
  • siempre – always
  • su – his/her/your/their
  • sucio – dirty
  • tu(s) – your
  • todo – every
  • y – and
  • yaí – already
  • ya no – no longer

Related video(s)

  1. Direct Objects (lo, la, los, las)
  2. Direct Objects SONG!
  3. Direct objects (parte 2)
  4. Indirect Objects
  5. Indirect Objects SONG!
  6. Double Object Pronouns Explanation
  7. Double Object Pronouns Practice #1
  8. Double Object Pronouns Practice #2
  9. Double Object Pronouns Practice #3
  10. Double Object Pronouns Practice #4
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10 years ago

Apagamos a la tele porque nadie estaba mirandola.
I was taught that there should be a “no” before estaba…”porque nadie NO estaba mirandolo.” Yes? No? Maybe?

12 years ago

I just got back from Puebla, Mexico. I was there learning Spanish for three weeks. We discussed direct objects and we covered (briefly)the subjunctive. I see lots of folks thank you for all you do; add me to the list.

Ybbil Yoj
12 years ago

Hola Senor Jordan
Yo gracias tu para todo tu hacer. !Puedo hacer mucho mas con tu la ayuda!
Ybbil Yoj

zhenya malakhov
12 years ago

Hola!! Buenos videos me das, yo lo aprendo continuamente, y todo dependiende de la grammatica, siga hacer lo mas, espero llegar este verano al otros paises buscar el trabajo que relasionada con espanol , y seria mejor si inventes la empresa que da un trabajo en Mexico or Latina America para practicar la ideoma:) para la vacassiones.
Si visitaras a Moscu o S peterborgo, Me escribe un mensaje, te aydare no gastar mucho.



Señor Jordan
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