Here’s an original song about a piece of bread with a plan!
I hope it helps you practice tener, querer, sacar in context! Hopefully you enjoy it!
You can also listen to it on the go on Soundcloud! Or purchase a copy on Amazon or iTunes!
- a to
- cinco five
- comida food
- de of, from
- doce twelve
- el the
- él him, he
- ellos they
- escapan they escape
- los the
- no no
- ocho eight
- pan bread
- panes breads
panes tostados toasted breads - pato duck
- pedazo piece
- pedazos pieces
- pero but
- plan plan
- por for
- quiere s/he wants
- quieren they want
- saca s/he takes out
- sacan they take out
- ser to be
- su his, her, their
- sus his, her, their
- tiene s/he has
- tienen they have
- tostado toasted
pan tostado toasted bread - tostados toasted
panes tostados toasted breads - tres three
- un a, an
- ve s/he sees
- vidas lives
My students absolutely LOVE this video all the way from PreK-8th grade!! I use it to practice numbers because the words are visible so they are also seeing how to spell them!! It would be totally AWESOME to get a coloring book with drawings of each slice of bread to use for early finishers and story starters with my older students. Thank you for sharing your creative resources!!
Señora Saucer
This song is awesome but I think it should go something like this. Los pedazos de pan, trampled a man.