In this video lesson we’re going to be talking about Indirect Objects. We use Indirect Objects to generally when something happens to someone or for someone. In Spanish, the pronouns: me, te, le, nos, and les will be used to express this idea.
Please leave any comments or questions below! 🙂
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sustantivos (nouns):
alguien – someone
*el caldo de pollo – chicken soup
el carro – the car
el centro – downtown
el club (nocturno) – the (night) club
el cumpleaños – the birthday
el fin de semana – the weekend
el internet – the internet
el mundo – the world
el niño – the boy (child)
el país – the country
el refrigerador – the refrigerator
el restaurante – the restaurant
el sábado pasado – last Saturday
el señor – the gentlemen, the older man
el teléfono – telephone
el tiempo – time
ex-novia – ex-girlfriend
la casa – house
la comida – food
la esposa – the wife
la heladería – the ice cream store
la lista – the list
la maestra – the female teacher
la mamá – the mom
la mesa – the table
la novia – the girlfriend
la probabilidad – the probability / chance / likelihood
las cosas – things
las flores – the flowers
las mujeres – women
las personas – the people
las puertas – doors
la última vez – the last time
la verdad – the truth
los alumnos – the students
los amigos – friends
los besos – kisses
los continentes – the continents
los médicos – doctors
los mensajes de texto – text messages
los muchachos – the boys
los planes – the plans
nadie – no one
sí mismo – himself
una amiga – a female friend
una esposa – a wife
una isla – an island
una mentira – a lie
una nalga – a butt (cheek)
un gato – a cat
un medio hermano – a half-brother
un multimillonario – a billionare
un príncipe – a prince
un regalo – a present
un video – a video
vocabulario – vocabulary
verbos (verbs):
abrir – to open
abre – s/he opens
ayudar – to help
bailar – to dance
bailando – dancing
buscar – to search / to look for
cerrar – to close
cierras – you close
comer – to eat
comprar – to buy
¿Lo compras? – You buy it? Will you buy it? Do you buy it?
compra – s/he buys
contestar – to answer
contestó – s/he answered
creer – to think; believe
¿(tú) crees? – do you believe [that]?
dar – to give
da – s/he gives
dimos – we gave
decir – to say; to tell
digo – I say / I tell
dijeron – they said / they told
dijo = s/he said / s/he told
determinar – to determine
determina – (command) Determine!
echarse a perder – to go bad / to spoil
enfermarse – to get sick
te enfermas – you get sick
enseñar – to teach; to show
enseña – s/he teaches
entender – to understand
entiendes – you understand
estar – to be
Éramos – we were
estaba – s/he was / it was
estábamos – we were
estoy – I am
gustar – to be pleasing
le gusta – s/he likes
hablar – to talk
habla – s/he talks
hacer – to do / to make
están haciendo – they are making / you all are making (right now)
hace preguntas – s/he asks questions
inventar – to invent
inventó – s/he invented
ir – to go
fuimos – we went
va – s/he goes
van – they go
lavar – to wash
leer – to read
lee – (command) Read!
llevar – to take; carry
mandar – to send
manda – s/he sends
mentir – to lie
necesitar – to need
necesitas – you need
oler – to smell
huele – it smells
parecer – to seem
parecían – they seemed
pensar – to think
pienso – i think
preguntar – to ask
preguntó – s/he asked
poder – can; to be able
podrán – they could be
pueden – they can / you all can
puedes – you can
poner – to put; to place
pon – (command) Put!
ponen una inyección – they give a shot
pusieron una inyección – they gave a shot
preparó – s/he prepared
revisar – to look over
revisa – (command) Look over!
querer – to want
quiere – s/he wants
quiero – I want
recordar – to remember
recuerdas – you remember
regalar – to give a gift
regalaron – they gave me a gift / you all gave me a gift
robar – to steal
robaron – they robbed / they stole
salir – to go out; to leave
salió – s/he left (came out)
ser – to be
era – s/he was
es – s/he is
fue – s/he was / it was
fueron – they were
será – it would be
soy – I am
tender (a) – to tend to
tiende (a) – s/he tends (to)
tener – to have
tenía – s/he had
teníamos – we had
tienen – they have
venir – to come
vino – s/he came
vivir – to live
vive – s/he lives
otro (other):
a – to
algunos / algunas – some
alto / alta – tall
cada – each
con – with
¿cuál(es)? – which
cuando – when
de – of, from, about
desafortunadamente – unfortunately
¿dónde? – where?
en – in, on, at
enfrente de – in front of
ese / esa– that
Éste – this
famoso / famosa – famous
gordo – fat
inteligente(s) – smart, intelligent
lo mismo – the same (thing)
lo que – what; that which
más – more
mi – my
mismo – same
mucho – a lot
muy – very
obviamente – obviously
para – for
para allá – over there
pequeño – small
pero – but
por favor – please
porque – because
que – that
¿qué? – what?
respetuoso – respectful
rico – delicious
sí – yes
si – if
siempre – always
sin ti – without you
sobre – about
su – his; her; their; your (formal); your (plural)
triste – sad
¿verdad? – right?
ya – already
*this is the more “Mexican” way to say chicken soup. “La sopa de pollo” would be a more common way
Hi! I was wondering what the difference was between indirect and direct objects? It doesn’t really make sense to me since they seem to be the same thing. Thanks!
Ted Pillinger
10 years ago
1. Push with head.
2. Object of ridicule (butt of joke).
3. Thick end of object.
4. Target end of rifle range.
5. Cask or water container.
It is difficult to get the Spanish to speak to us in Spanish when we are in Spain but (no pun) their English is so full of strange slang that they should try.
Michael Chartrand
11 years ago
Hola señor Jordán! Soy Canadiense pero yo vivo en El Salvador y estoy aprendiendo español. Your site is simply phenomenal… I use it prodigiously in my learning and have shared it with several colleagues. Outstanding… Well done! …Michael
I started teaching High School and Middle School Spanish in rural Ohio this year (a transition I made from a totally different career due to the local school’s need). I’ve found your videos very useful in my classroom and as a new teacher. Thank you so much for your hard work and contribution!!! I’ve got a lot to learn, and I just wanted to thank you.
Mil gracias!!!
12 years ago
I really enjoy your work. It’s very helpful. But there is a verb which you use a lot whose full value escapes me….and that verb is poner. You use it in this video with “Pon pausa” and multiple times in Cuentos Interactivo (which I really really like) such as when Jamocita’s parents were deciding on his name. That verb confuses me!! Could you possibly do video(s) on verbs frequently used by spansih speakers and their wide range of uses.
Hi! I was wondering what the difference was between indirect and direct objects? It doesn’t really make sense to me since they seem to be the same thing. Thanks!
1. Push with head.
2. Object of ridicule (butt of joke).
3. Thick end of object.
4. Target end of rifle range.
5. Cask or water container.
It is difficult to get the Spanish to speak to us in Spanish when we are in Spain but (no pun) their English is so full of strange slang that they should try.
Hola señor Jordán! Soy Canadiense pero yo vivo en El Salvador y estoy aprendiendo español. Your site is simply phenomenal… I use it prodigiously in my learning and have shared it with several colleagues. Outstanding… Well done! …Michael
Wow. Thanks for everything
I want to thank you for your videos. I use them quite often in my classes, and they are also helpful for me to review concepts before I present them in class. I have a question for you, and I’m hoping you can help me explain a difficult concept to my students.
I taught a lesson on Direct Object pronouns today, and my students were quite confused when our curriculum said that a person could be a direct object. Here’s the example from the book.
Ex/ ¿Invitaste a sus amigas? to —- SÃ, las invité.
I had a student say, couldn’t you do this?
¿Invitaste a sus amigos? to —–SÃ, les invité.
Can you clarify? I appreciate your help!
Kind Regards,
Sra. Baldwin
Hola, Sr. Jordan!!
I started teaching High School and Middle School Spanish in rural Ohio this year (a transition I made from a totally different career due to the local school’s need). I’ve found your videos very useful in my classroom and as a new teacher. Thank you so much for your hard work and contribution!!! I’ve got a lot to learn, and I just wanted to thank you.
Mil gracias!!!
I really enjoy your work. It’s very helpful. But there is a verb which you use a lot whose full value escapes me….and that verb is poner. You use it in this video with “Pon pausa” and multiple times in Cuentos Interactivo (which I really really like) such as when Jamocita’s parents were deciding on his name. That verb confuses me!! Could you possibly do video(s) on verbs frequently used by spansih speakers and their wide range of uses.