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02 Preterite: Irregulars: ir and ser

This lesson starts many in the series on irregular verbs in the preterite. Ir (to go) and ser (to be) are both conjugated the same way in the preterite. Watch the video below to learn more!

Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or questions about this video below.

For a summary on the preterite, check out the preterite conjugation sheet!

ir / ser conjugation chart:

preterite ser & ir copy

el verano pasado – last summer
el almuerzo – lunch
delicioso – delicious
la escuela – school
aburrido – boring, bored
un desastre – disaster
el restaurante – a restaurant
el campo – the country, countryside
las pizzas – pizzas
muy – very
asqueroso – disgusting
la doctora – (female) doctor
el hospital – hospital
la tienda – store
el gimnasio – gym
la película – movie
una comedia – comedy
el profesor – professor, teacher
el español – Spanish
de – of, from, about
la casa – house
la fiesta – party
difícil – difficult
bailar – to dance

Related video(s):

  1. Preterite regular -AR verbs
  2. Preterite -AR verbs: -GAR, -CAR, -ZAR
  3. Preterite regular -ER verbs
  4. Preterite regular -IR verbs
  5. Preterite Irregulars hacer
  6. Preterite Irregulars decir
  7. Preterite Irregulars poder
  8. Preterite Irregulars querer
  9. Preterite Irregulars estar
  10. Preterite Irregulars saber
  11. Preterite Irregulars poner
  12. Preterite Irregulars tener
  13. Preterite Irregulars venir
  14. Preterite Irregulars ver & dar
  15. Preterite Irregulars traer, traducir, conducir
  16. Preterite – pedir, servir, traer
  17. Preterite Irregulars song
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1 year ago

I am looking through all your resources, and honestly just wanted to say thank you SO MUCH. Doesn’t feel like that’s enough, but I can’t explain how much I appreciate this and how well organized and absolutely thorough all your work is.

Jair Winters
7 years ago

I dis-agree Douglas, there are many European and Asian students that will travel to Spain, I know this because my best friend is German and French, and she doesn’t understand the language when I speak it, though she wishes to apprtentice in Spain. I thank you, Sr. Jordan (keep it up!), and politely disagree with Douglas. ~Jair Winters

9 years ago

I think your videos are better off the way they are…..not emphasizing the “vosotros” from Spain. Most people are studying Spanish to communicate with Spanish speaking people from Mexico, Central and South America. The way that you point out the oddities of Spanish while teaching to a native English speaking person has been very helpful. When compared to English, Spanish has some strange rules or patterns and certain things that just are what they are for no particular reason. I have had teachers from Argentina and El Salvador and they have not been able to explain certain concepts the way that you have. Gracias!!!

Sra G
9 years ago

Sr. Jordan we <3 you!
Please include Spain! Everyone should know it- all official documents and communication follow the Real Academia, and if you are in Europe, or read the news, or literature, or continue to advanced Spanish you must know the vosotros in every way. It is also common in Central America and Argentina. Please do not neglect the vosotros.
We love your videos! We just want the vosotros!

Hanne Iversen
11 years ago

Fantastic thank you very much for doing the videos i enjoy them alot

Angela P
12 years ago

Thank you so much for doing these videos!! I learn so much from you, your method of instruction is a blessing! You are straight forward, easy to understand, and you focus on enough repetition that I can retain the information better. Also, thank you for speaking Spanish like a native speaker! My Spanish 2 professor speaks Spanish with no accent and it is really difficult to decipher what words he is saying. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Do you do private lessons via Skype or telephone???

13 years ago

Tu lección fue fantastico. Muchas gracias.

Eres profesor muy bueno.

13 years ago

Love this! Fuiiii!!!

14 years ago

These videos are great! I go to my college spanish class everyday and learn virtually nothing until I get home and watch the videos. It’s just perfect because it seems like if you don’t grasp something right away in class your just left waddling, but with the videos they’re set up so you can watch them and focus on one aspect. It makes learning much easier. Thanks

14 years ago

Soy de las filipinas, y quiero tus lecciones. I really love it! You know, I can’t speak Spanish until I watched your videos… Keep up the good work, and hope we’ll meet each other personally someday! Gracias…

15 years ago

Should I say, “Soy profesor” or “Soy un profesor” and “Fue un profesor” or “Fue profesor”? I am confused, since the un is omitted… Thanks!

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